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Mobs in Housing

They could do this using player made npcs, (invisible npcs with the tools (mobs) on their heads) but it would probably need to be coded in. It would be a invisible npc with the tool on its head, player summoned, and it would probably need to be set up with a path by the player for it to walk. They'd have to do it so it summons the npc where the player is standing, similar to the elf, where it can be pushed around. I could see that being a lot of work for the devs. It is possible but I would assume it require permissions to a plugin to be able to set up npcs like the "mobs" Or, they can let players add them automatically with a plugin that places armor stands with the tool (mob) on it. Its a great idea if they could figure it out.

I think with the kind of plugin they use currently to summon mobs though that they would eventually be killed off when the housing server restarts. I think its a zombie pigman made invisible with the tool on its head, used as their mobs or similar. I don't think its possible with the type of current plugin they have to make npc mobs especially custom ones by players.

Max Fireheart

Minecraft IGN: Maxymoos
Griffin Phoenix Linked
I personally don't think this is a great idea for some reasons:

1) This would be too time consuming and I think there's no simple way to implement this.

2) A similar suggestion (where NPCs was part of it) was denied here: https://potterworldmc.com/threads/housing-roleplay-suggestion.8132/#post-62653. It's not the same, but it's similar and I think could cause similar issues such as lag, etc...

Just my two cents.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Heya @Bread Honeyduke,

Thank you for taking the time to suggest something to the team. We really appreciate any ideas given to us by our players!
A similar suggestion has been suggested and declined before. It was about NPCs and pets and the same reasoning applies to this suggestion. We would love to add such things, but unfortunately it would create a bunch of extra lag on housings, as well as it being a lot of work to implement because it's not possible with current tech. Feel free to check out this thread for a more detailed decision.

Therefore, I will be marking this thread as a duplicate and moving it to declined. Have a wonderful day!