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More advanced Potions and Learning


Notable Magician

Mastering a skill, in this example, potions is not really possible in the server. Mainly because all of the ingredients are listed, and very clear instructions are given to allow you to easily make potions quickly. This doesn't require any skill as anyone is able to do this. Secondly, potions are quite useless in my opinion. Yes, they give you effects and heal you but there's nothing special about it.

For the mastering of potions, I recommend adding new ones, more - well not really advanced, but special - potions which are harder to create and require lesson-books/knowledge to complete. These potions will not be in the standard brewing menu. This would be done by writing books about potions, which go in-depth about how to create certain potions. This idea is mainly based on the movies and to make it more challenging (not necessarily harder!!!).
These books would contain the following, written in a lesson book/cookbook-type structure:
- The ingredients
- Step by step, what to do, and the precise time limits for when to add certain ingredients
- How to know when it goes wrong
- How the potion should look after successfully brewing.

Here I'll show a (Very short) sketch of how this could look written in a book. (This is not the actual recipe, just an example with steps taken from the website: https://www.higgypop.com/news/how-to-make-a-polyjuice-potion/)


Polyjuice potion

List of ingrediënts:
- Lacewing Flies
- Leeches
- Powdered Bicorn Horn
- Knotgrass
- Fluxweed
- Boomslang Skin
- Genetic Sample


First of all, preheat the cauldron. The first ingredient you'll need are some lacewing flies that have been stewed for 21 days. Next, add three leeches. Baby leeches are allowed too as they taste a bit nicer, but any type is fine. Take the bicorn horn, and crush until it's a fine powder. Take 2 Fluxweed and chop them into pieces. Add the bicorn horn powder, and then directly add the chopped fluxweed. Finally, shred 3 Boomslang skin, and at it to the cauldron. Stir the mixture together and wait between 5 to 10 seconds, then extract the polyjuice potion and turn of the cauldron. Wait 24 hours (one human day, not Minecraft day!) before adding the genetic sample of whom you want to become. Then drink the potion, and see the effects.

(!!! Here I show some examples of what could happen if the potion fails !!!)
If the potion you are brewing turns out slightly odd, or something goes terribly wrong, here's how you can tell:
1. Has the cauldron exploded?
- The polyjuice potion wasn't taken out of the cauldron quick enough.
2. Is the polyjuice potion not green after extraction?
- When blue or purple you have added too many lacewing flies.
- When gold-coloured, you have added too much bicorn horn powder or boomslang skin.
When one of these options applies to you, throw the potion away immediately, and try brewing again.

If the polyjuice potion turned out green, you have successfully brewed the potion! Be careful though, the time limit of the effect of the potion can vary between one to three (human/real-time) hours depending on the timing of adding ingredients and extracting the potion.


!!!!!! I'm not recommending to add the polyjuice potion to the server, it's just an example !!!!!!

The options of chopping, crushing, and shredding will be given but still be able to be done with the normal chopping board which is also currently available next to cauldrons on the server. You simply right-click the chopping board with the ingredient in your hand and then select the option.

For every potion, a perfect time range will be set to master the potion's strength, this is just optional - it's only an idea. I also think that making more ways for the brewing to go wrong, makes it more challenging to make a good potion, and more fun too!

A standard lesson book will be available (for a very low price) in a shop in Diagonal Lane, and the libraries, including the one at Hogsworth. This knowledge should not just be available via books, but sometimes also given in potion classes. As the classes are now very short, quite useless in my opinion (don't get me wrong I still like them) because you don't get any knowledge, and I think it would be much more fun to actually teach something in potions class. This makes it much more realistic.

A master potioneer title should be available, once a player brews a certain potion (for example) which would be the hardest, and most advanced (like very very very advanced with many ingredients and steps) to make.

Now for the usefulness of these potions:

The potions that can be made will be for example cures, against curses or venom (not given by players, but achieved from mobs which I might make a suggestion about soon). Basically, if a dangerous creature bites/harms you, you might be poisoned, which will have the effects of slowness or blindness, and you would have to buy/brew/ or let a friend brew a potion for you to cure your illness. I think this would make the server much more fun regarding its realisticness (if that's even a word). This would also give the server an option to add more illnesses and curses into the game so that a hospital (for example the one in Hogsworth) is actually useful.

Now that I'm done. Yes... I know this is a reaaally long suggestion, I hope not too long. And yes... I know this would be very hard to make and add to the server as it's a very large idea. But I also think many players would like this feature because it just makes the game more realistic to play because you will have to be more careful about what you attack.


Notable Magician
Just a note, I'm doing a quest right now about someones grandmother who was bitten by a horntail or something like that who needs a cure. This is basically what brought me this idea and why I think this would be a good idea, next to being able to master a profession.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hiya @JustinS!

Thank you for taking the time and consideration on creating this suggestion! I definitely think it would be interesting to implement a slightly more challenging style of making potions and utilising them more for other purposes. At this time, I will bring it up to the rest of the Poltergeist team for further discussion. Once a decision has been made by the Leadership team, I will return to you with a response as soon as possible, so keep an eye out for any updates on this thread!

Have a lovely day!

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
Hello @JustinS!

Unfortunately as of right now, we currently aren't looking to make any giant changes to our potions system. We do value some of the good ideas in this thread however, and moving forwards if we do decide to do changes to our Potions system, we will revisit this thread. We do particularly like the idea of adding secret recipes that one can find out in the world for unique potions, and may consider that in the future. I hope this makes sense!

Once again, thank you for making these suggestions. I hope you have a wonderful day:serpent: