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More Chatter


New Magician
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: government_h
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Drooble's Order
Sometimes chat can be rather quiet and somewhat dead and if there are discussions, they can die pretty quickly too, so I thought that these ideas could make chat somewhat more lively, fun and be rewarding as well.

Idea #1 - Chat Games

Every 10-15 minutes have a riddle, an easy math task, or 'unscramble the word' prompt appear in either a designated game chat/channel (or as a toggleable option to appear in global chat if someone doesn't want it to appear in their game chat) via broadcast by one of the four house ghosts.

If someone gets the answer correct within 30 seconds, they will be rewarded a bit of gold (2-5 gold).

For example:

Idea #2 - Chat Tidbits

Similar to how there are ‘Announcement Tips’, there could be interesting or funny messages appearing in chat (which could also be disabled if the player does not wish to see them). For example:

  • Questions to prompt a discussion: "If you could have a superpower, what would it be, and why?", “What is your favourite ice cream flavour?” etc.
  • Jokes/Puns: "Why doesn't you know who/Valdemar have glasses? Nobody nose..." (Not all have to be HP/PWMC themed.)
  • Quotes/Words of Wisdom: "”Anger is the ultimate destroyer of your own peace of mind.” - Dalai Lama"
  • Random facts: "Did you know that... Elephants are the only mammals on earth that can’t jump?" (Similar to what is used for WizPE.)
  • Messages related to PotterworldMC lore/locations: “Have you tried [Item] from [Vendor] in [Town] yet? You should! They’re marvellous!”
  • Perhaps there could also be “Vote” questions in chat where the player can click certain answer options and after a minute or so it shows how many people voted for the options (anonymously). For example:
    • “How was your day? 1: Magical. 2: Dreadful.”
    • “Pineapple on Pizza? 1: Atrocity. 2: Delicacy.”
    • “Should House Elves be set free? 1: Yes. 2: No.”
    • “Best Wizarding School? 1: Hogsworth 2: Beauxbois Academy of Magic. 3: Dormunstrad. 4: Other - (Elaborate in Chat)”
    • “Favourite Potterworld Class: 1: Potions 2: Flying 3: Wizard’s PE 4: Duelling 5: Others (Elaborate in Chat)
    • “Favourite Bertie Bellie’s Multi-Flavoured Jelly? 1: Vomit Bean. 2: Onion Bean. 3: Black Pepper Bean. etc.”
I just think this could be a fun little addition to the server :alien:
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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: dasbogosian
Also, during Christmas and other seasons it would be a fairly easy way to show off some festive spirit, in case the main event activities weren't out yet. :)
Like, having the vote questions more focused on how people are celebrating, if at all!


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
Idea #1 - Chat Games

Every 10-15 minutes have a riddle, an easy math task, or 'unscramble the word' prompt appear in either a designated game chat/channel (or as a toggleable option to appear in global chat if someone doesn't want it to appear in their game chat) via broadcast by one of the four house ghosts.

If someone gets the answer correct within 30 seconds, they will be rewarded a bit of gold (2-5 gold).
I really like this idea, it's something i wanted to suggest myself. It could really help make the server feel a bit more alive. I thought it could be some sort of HP trivia. I stead of 2-5 gold, maybe the first person who answers gets bit more of a reward? Or it could be added to the dailies, where you need to answer a set amount of times for some HPs and gold.


Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @government_h ,

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined, because this is not something that we want to invest time in right now. We also do not feel this would solve chat having quieted down, though we will look into alternate methods.

Nevertheless, thank you for you suggestion, and have a great day!