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More Discord Emotes


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: IndeanaJones
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Vampire
A suggestion to add more emotes to the discord server!

I think the Potterworld discord could use more emotes and being boosted to level 2 i'm assuming it has a lot of space for more emojis. So what i'm suggesting is a sort of emote-suggestion channel with perhaps some sort of slow mode where people can suggest emotes that fit a requirement (like proper size and not blurry) and it can be up voted or down voted by people and it can easily be checked by someone periodically and added.


Minecraft IGN: LindsYUH
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent VIP SPEW
In my opinion I don’t think an specific channel on the Discord for emote suggesting would be needed, as the forum suggestion page is here for any type of feedback/suggestions which would include new emote ideas, and I’m not sure a whole new channel for that would be used a lot. Though I do like the idea of adding new emotes to the Discord!


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
I think extra emotes would be nice to see especially since the PW Discord server has Level 2 perks due to the server boosts. They don't have to use up the allotted amount of 150, but if there's more space then why not add more?

I have seen other Discord servers utilise an emote suggestion channel somewhat similar to what you suggested, but what they also did was that one moderator posted all of the emotes in one go and they were voted on within a certain timeframe and then the emotes were either added or removed according to the votes.

As far as emote suggestions go, I think that the blob emotes would be a nice addition along with some updated server related ones.


Minecraft IGN: YeetChris
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW
I have to agree that extra emotes would be superb but having a discord channel specifically for emotes seems a tad bit extra. I'm sure in the future that there will new emotes, we'll just have to wait and see! :)


Minecraft IGN: daance
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW
Hiya, @Inde! Thank you for your suggestion c:

While we will not be adding a new emotes suggestion channel on Discord (Linds explained it perfectly :)), we do be planning to add more emotes to the Discord server. If you have any specific emote suggestions, please feel free to make threads about them!

- Dance
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Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Heya @Inde!

On behalf of the Poltergeist team, we'd like to thank you again for creating this suggestion! I'd like to inform you that a whole new batch of emojis was added to the Discord server, so feel free to check them out! Because of this, this thread will be marked as completed. If you have any other suggestions or feedback, feel free to create a thread, as we're always searching for ways to improve the server!

Hope you have a great day!