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More Hats!


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hi there @Fleur!

Thank you for making this suggestion! As we always look for ways to improve our server, this is greatly appreciated!!

I will now be bringing your suggestion to the rest of the Poltergeist team to get additional feedback on whether we will implement this idea or not. I will contact you via this forum when our decision is made. So keep an eye out for future notifications from this forum!

Thank you again for suggesting this! Take care and I hope you have an awesome day! <3

Best wishes,


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hi again @Fleur!

Again, thank you for bringing your suggestion to Potterworld! We are super appreciative of your idea!

Unfortunately, at this time we will be declining your suggestion. This being because a hat like this would be extremely hard to design due to all the layers and curves (such as the feathers). While we really like your idea, it sadly isn't possible to implement at this current time.

Looking though the store, I found a few alternatives that can be used! First one is the Feather Brimmed Hat. I personally use this one a ton and it's my absolute favorite hat!

This is what it looks like on my character:

Another alternative could be the the French Feathered Hat! I personally like how this one looks on my character, and it may be giving off the same vibe as we'd be looking at in a hat from your suggestion!

This is what it looks like on my character:

I hope these alternatives will help and give off a nice impression on what you're looking for. Once again thank you for making your suggestion, take care and I hope you have a magical day! <3

Best wishes,