As the title basically says: more interactive classes! I came up with this idea after the 24 hours of classes on Dec. 4th. It had a lot of new classes and especially more interactive classes. Afterwards, according to the chat, a lot of people seemed to really enjoy it, including myself. So, here are my ideas:
- In the 24 hours of classes, a theatre class was hosted. This was basically a Simon Says, but with a slight twist. I absolutely loved this idea. I think the class could have so much potential with different ideas and such. A dance class was also hosted. I was excited for the class, but I was eventually a bit disappointed. The idea with the dance moves sadly didn't turn out too well, but the rest I enjoyed! The freeze game was a lot of fun, but the carpets inspired me with another idea. Blockparty! Basically, laying out different colors on the floor, and making everyone move to that certain color within a specific amount of time. This could also be done as a Simon Says game. Dance and theatre could be mixed together as 1 class to keep the possibilities of the classes wider.
School trips:
- In the Magical Architecture class in the 24 hours of classes, we visited Beauxbois; another wizarding school. I feel like trips like these could have so much potential. Also, the builders wouldn't have to build new things for these trips, as the existing map already has so much potential! Honestly, I would personally really enjoy a school trip to a simple town such as Antrum or London and get a cool assignment there. I feel like a lot of people would really enjoy this as a little change from 'normal' classes.
- In Medical Magic, the assignment wasn't a standard writing assignment, it was a true or false game. I feel like if this was implemented in a few classes every now and then, it could make the classes a lot more fun and interesting, as some people don't enjoy writing or quizzes that much.
Of course, none of these ideas have to be implemented as full-time classes, they could also happen every 2 weeks or every month or so! It's all up to whatever works best, of course.
Let me know what you think of these ideas, because honestly, I absolutely loved these interactive classes. ( Plus, they're not parkour!
- In the 24 hours of classes, a theatre class was hosted. This was basically a Simon Says, but with a slight twist. I absolutely loved this idea. I think the class could have so much potential with different ideas and such. A dance class was also hosted. I was excited for the class, but I was eventually a bit disappointed. The idea with the dance moves sadly didn't turn out too well, but the rest I enjoyed! The freeze game was a lot of fun, but the carpets inspired me with another idea. Blockparty! Basically, laying out different colors on the floor, and making everyone move to that certain color within a specific amount of time. This could also be done as a Simon Says game. Dance and theatre could be mixed together as 1 class to keep the possibilities of the classes wider.
School trips:
- In the Magical Architecture class in the 24 hours of classes, we visited Beauxbois; another wizarding school. I feel like trips like these could have so much potential. Also, the builders wouldn't have to build new things for these trips, as the existing map already has so much potential! Honestly, I would personally really enjoy a school trip to a simple town such as Antrum or London and get a cool assignment there. I feel like a lot of people would really enjoy this as a little change from 'normal' classes.
- In Medical Magic, the assignment wasn't a standard writing assignment, it was a true or false game. I feel like if this was implemented in a few classes every now and then, it could make the classes a lot more fun and interesting, as some people don't enjoy writing or quizzes that much.
Of course, none of these ideas have to be implemented as full-time classes, they could also happen every 2 weeks or every month or so! It's all up to whatever works best, of course.
Let me know what you think of these ideas, because honestly, I absolutely loved these interactive classes. ( Plus, they're not parkour!