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More Locations on the Enchanted Compass


Minecraft IGN: trashdotcom
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I think the recent update that introduced the enchanted compass is a great idea! It's a wonderful and easy way to navigate, and although I don't explore the castle enough to use it, I'm sure it helps out those newer players a lot. Even though it doesn't help some of the older ones like grads, I think adding the towns around the map would help with that.

I was recently flying to Griffins Hollow to get my daily riddle, and it took a while to find it, even when I had the coords. However, on the way back I decided to use the compass to guide me back to Hogsworth, and it was so quick and easy to follow! It gave me the straightest, fastest route to Hogsworth, and it was so much easier than having to open up the map on the website, remember the coords, navigate F3, and take a route that isnt super fast. I've used the compass three times now for my journeys, and each time I am left wishing that the compass worked both ways, rather than just one, because it makes flying over empty forest such an easier experience.

I believe that having the towns added to the compass (perhaps unlockable? like the fire dust network?) is a great way for those who want to save money on firedust, and it promotes exploration and flying more, which is what a majority of the Revelius Update is about! And it would also be used more amongst the player base, since not everyone gets lost around the castle (as people begin to memorize the main routes over time)

Thank you for your time :D


Minecraft IGN: FlatJambo
Honeybadger Auralock
That would be incredible! I have a terrible memory and always forget the coords of things. It doesn't help that the coords are only shown once at the beginning of the quest and are never shown again. I know there's an exploration factor, but searching the whole town like 5 times for one NPC is boring and frustrating. Maybe the compass could update when you reach a new town? Maybe it could guide you to people's houses or locations but not give coords so there is still the exploration part.


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW

Thank you so much for your suggestion! As you have stated already, we are actually looking into adding this in the future as per this gameplay announcement. However, I am here to let you know that your idea was the reason for this upcoming magical compass addition! We felt that it would be extremely helpful for players and really loved your suggestion.

Thank you again and we'd love to hear any future ideas you have for the server! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. :)