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More Variety to the Library


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
More Variety to the Library Suggestion
So I see that in the library there's some selection for books about magical creatures. I have an idea to add onto the library to make it more magical. There's A LOT of writing classes that people spend a lot of time and effort making stories in! And there's like 3-5 people getting an O+ every writing class! I find it a waste to see those good quality books that these people put A LOT of effort in to sit in a chest in the back of their housing for a year, or get disposed. That's just a HUGE waste of magnificent writing! Other people should be able to enjoy their stories!!!

SOOOO here's my idea! :D You can sell your books in the library for gold! My idea to have a community made section. When you're entering your book you write the summary, and genre of the story (For genre you can include which class it was for) I was thinking it could cost 5g to buy a book. 3g goes towards copying the book, and 2 goes to the writer to profit off it.

There should be some qualifications to be able to sell the book. So I have a couple of ideas. The book would of had to be marked by a professor, and given a O-, O, or O+. So up at the first paragraph there was some pricing. We could keep it the same for every book no matter the grade. Or there's another way, 4g=O-, 5g=O, 6g=O+. Or just 5g for all if it's easier that way.

If you wrote a really good book, and it was on your own time, and you didn't write it for a class than here's my idea. You could message a staff or make a ticket or something asking if a staff could read it to make sure it's good material to be sold in the library. This is just one idea. It does not HAVE to happen, because I understand how bust staff are at times, but yeah an idea to consider.

This is a way to give these writers more credit! It will let everyone else know peoples talents! Like it might give others a better chance to get a staff role as a writer, because when applications are out the person reading it can be like, "Oh I read their story from the library, and it was very good quality," and then it's easier to chose writing staff members. (Sorry if I said anything wrong I'm not a staff lol)

This will make the server even more fun! Sometimes the chat is down, and there's no games or gauntlet happening, and no classes scheduled in an hour or 2. This will add entertainment! It does not take much effort to do! You just teleport to the library using the prefect NPC, and buy a book to sit down and read. And I myself find story books to be the most interesting ones. I find ones with facts okay, but story ones. <333

Sorry this was a long suggestion. I hope it gets accepted! It will add so much benefits to the server and community! I ask you to PLEASE let me know how you feel about this in the comments bellow! :D


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
I sorta like the idea of limiting it just to O+, because that adds more incentive to get it. Some O+ dont give HP, and this would allow the grade to distinguish itself further. Honestly the gold cost is so negligible, make it like cost 10 gold give 9 gold (No reason for such a high tax, if a player wants to profit).

Please add, I might even go to a notes class for once

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Heya @Yellow_Flower!

Thank you for taking the time and consideration to make this suggestion! After further review, a slightly similar suggestion has been brought up and was partially accepted, which you can find here, so this thread will be marked as a Duplicate. Unfortunately, we won't be adding O+ books since we have a specific format when writing books for the library, as well as using the server's lore. Additionally, this would require a new system to add, keep and manage the books. Although we understand the idea of adding O+ books to the library, there are many O+'s from the community, so adding certain books may look like favouritism, which is something we want to avoid. There's also the potential alternative of the Weekly Assignment for players to earn more AC and show off their writing skills if they have time to spare!

We hope that you'll continue to create and share more suggestion/feedback in the future! Have a wonderful day!