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Move Event NPCs to the courtyard instead of the Great Hall table


Minecraft IGN: daance
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
Events have way too much effort put into them to just be hidden with an NPC at the back of the great hall. Most players will miss it there since it's not clear. Plus, I don't see a reason to. I think all events should have the NPC like the Winter Waltz one, very obvious out in the open :)


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Oo I agree! Honestly I always forget where they are so putting them at say where the NPC was at the winter event would be great!! It would help players find them easier given if they're always in an open spot ::D


Minecraft IGN: Pennox__
Serpent Linked
Events have way too much effort put into them to just be hidden with an NPC at the back of the great hall. Most players will miss it there since it's not clear. Plus, I don't see a reason to. I think all events should have the NPC like the Winter Waltz one, very obvious out in the open :)
I 100% agree. The only time I walk in that direction is when I visit the Trophy Room


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: morrgannn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Prefect SPEW Drooble's Order Jr. Game Designer Linked Faerie
Hello @Mateo,

This suggestion has been accepted, as we agree with keeping event NPCs around the area of the courtyard to make them more visible and accessible, instead of at the Great Hall Table. Moving forward, we would like to keep any event NPCs in the courtyard or in the courtyard foyer. However, we are not always able to put the NPC in the courtyard due to there being other possible NPCs at the stairs leading into the courtyard. Thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion!

Have an amazing day!