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Multiple custom wand names


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @cczz!!

Thank you so much for this creative suggestion! We really appreciate all feedback and ideas that are provided for the server. I will bring this suggestion up with the Poltergeist team. After we discuss it, the Leadership team will make a final decision. Once the decision is made I will let you know so make sure to keep an eye on this thread!!

Thank you again and have a spectacular day!!


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @cczz!!

Thank you again for this suggestion! Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. Due to the unpopularity of custom wand renames, we feel if this was implemented, it wouldn't be utilized very much. Furthermore, we don't believe that this would help increase the popularity of this item. If wand renames become more popular, we may look into adding something similar to this in the future.

We appreciate any suggestions and feedback we receive and we hope you continue to share any thoughts you have in the future!! Thank you and have an amazing day!


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
Hello @cczz!!

Thank you again for this suggestion! Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. Due to the unpopularity of custom wand renames, we feel if this was implemented, it wouldn't be utilized very much. Furthermore, we don't believe that this would help increase the popularity of this item. If wand renames become more popular, we may look into adding something similar to this in the future.

We appreciate any suggestions and feedback we receive and we hope you continue to share any thoughts you have in the future!! Thank you and have an amazing day!

I mean this feels like poor reasoning. Repeat customers are the single biggest target demographic for online videogames sales - getting the first sale is the hardest, the rest come easier. Stands to reason then, the people who have bought one before would be more open to buying them in the future.