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My game crashes after "loading terrain..."


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
My game keeps crashing after it loads terrain! I have tried lowering the render distance, checking if i have other resource packs on, using other versions and i read the faq but it still wont let me join. This has happened before and I used a video to help and it was fine in the end but it is not working again :/ When I crash my error code is -805306369. I hope I can resolve this <3

Edit: I installed Optifine and it works now!
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Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: jake_ft
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I'm glad it's working for you now! I'm not sure if you tried it already, but sometimes using a 16x16 pack instead can help reduce lag! You can install a different version of our texture pack by doing /packs in game.