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Name Changes


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: CelloIsMyLife
Auralock Griffin
I think name changes should be a one time buy rather than having to spend $5 every time you want it changed.

Most servers I have been on will let you buy a nickname or a colored nickname for a set amount and then after you can change it whenever you want. I don't see a reason other than profit for not allowing players to change. their name after already purchasing a nickname. For example, CateCate_ has her name as Cate and she got married. Now she has the last name Purcell. Even though she already bought a nickname, she needs to spend another $5 for a total of $10 just to be Cate_Purcell now. And in the future, if we decided to make our own family last name we would both need to spend yet another $5 to change that. That would already be $15 for Cate and $10 for me. We both already have a nickname and paid for it, I don't think we should have to pay even more. Staff already control changing the nicknames, so there's no chance for players to abuse being able to switch it after they already bought it to have it inappropriate.


Minecraft IGN: kiarralish
Auralock Dark Follower Raven
I've had to change my nickname quite a few times (probably around four or five at this point) so I completely see your point of view. All though I will say that the server would most likely get most of its support from those smaller purchases such as nickname changes. Not everyone wants to buy a 30$ allegiance package but they might buy a nickname because it's such a smaller purchase. Still, it can get quite frustrating to make the purchase so often.


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
100% agree. They definitely should make it so you can change it at least every month, especially because it is so simple for staff to do (it is literally just a /nick command to my knowledge). However you have to understand that many will say that it takes income away from the server and that despite the convenience it would negatively impact PW overall (for a similar reason a public npc store trader will never happen).

So if this suggestion is declined for that reason (which tbh it probably will) I would suggest adding an item to the store called the "Nickname Extraordinaire". It would cost 10-15$ and grant you access to changing your nickname an infinite amount of times (within reason of course). That way the server rakes in the extra cash from the Nickname Extraordinaire's hefty price and players have the choice between a single use nickname and the new infinite use one; they can as individuals figure out which one suits them and would save them money.
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Minecraft IGN: ZADANeth
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
Alternatively they could offer some sort of package or bundle deal, maybe be a VIP member of the server or something for some annual charge that includes something like a name change?


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: CelloIsMyLife
Auralock Griffin
There are hundreds of items on the store already. Each wand color add on is $2, there are cheaper pets and hats. Nickname is a nickname it shouldn't be a one-time thing. There's plenty of other items on the store especially with them adding on like the August releases. There's hundreds of players on top of that. I don't see how changing one thing like a nickname you already bought would negatively impact their income.


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
I can’t agree more with this. I am reluctant to getting a surname nick because I like how it looks as just my name. But if I were to change my surname on the server, I would not want to buy another (as also my parents would decline it since I’ve already gotten a nick). So far I’ve spent about 60$ and definitely plan to spend more as time goes on.

So maybe there can be an alternative to changing nicks! Maybe you can use 5000g in exchange for a nick (not a store trade) every 2 months or so. Instead of having to buy one every time you’d like to change it. To my knowledge: a nick is free if you want a tiny tweak to it or want to remove a surname. I believe this should be the case for any nickname change as a lot of people likely don’t have access to buy a new nickname (as for me my parents would decline).

Please take this suggestion into consideration

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
This idea is AMAZING! On a Disney server I play on, if you buy a $10 or $20 rank package (D23 or Club 33) You can do /nick and change it any time you want, they also have it that staff check every nickname to make sure it fits the rules, that also would be a great idea, so we don't see anything in-appropriate in chat


Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven
'ello! After much consideration and debate, we're going to have to respectively decline this suggestion as it would be unfair to those who already purchases multiple name changes and we would have to most likely end up looking into finding a way to reimburse those who already paid for previous name changes. In addition, players could end up constantly changing their names because it would be free, leaving the staff to handle the excessive amounts of name change requests.