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New Library Release

arne ☾

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: tqrpiar
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Lead Lore Master Lead Linked Faerie

After a successful first release of Magical Creatures, the Librarian's Helper is now publishing a new set of books to the library!

Instead of going on a long travel, the Librarian's Helper was sent books written by many different authors about Wizarding Schools across the world. Knowing how excited many Hogsworth students are about Winter Waltz, she cannot be more excited to showcase these brand new books and have students learn more.

Talk to the Librarian's Helper in the library of Hogsworth to gain access to the newest release!

_xNadine, jisunize, julit_, MelonFoxy, mn614, myriadofanger, riryuh, snotflower, tqrpiar & xMye

Wizarding Schools:
Andyreu, daniloelnino, FlatJambo, JessicaTM, jisunize, MakkChi, mn614, myriadofanger, NSgaming, scarvlover, xFleur_ & xMye

juhin, Tangular123 & Teheeo
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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: fxndomgeek
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked
My friends and I are actively waiting in the Library. Fix it for the book girlies. </3