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new world content(?) ideas


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
*by world content, I meant something along the lines of dungeon/gauntlet/challenge/quest.
1. Magical Maze
Pretty self-explanatory, the magical maze is perfect for a dungeon. With slight changes to the mobs and creation of some tasks, it could be a pretty effective dungeon that shouldnt be too hard to create. The way I envision it is that the end goal would be to reach the triwizard cup and then fight a boss once youre there (pretty similar to how it was during 2020 anniversary I believe). To make it more exciting, I would make it so that you have to reach a certain checkpoint before accessing the cup, to make the dungeon more exciting and unpredictable (lets say that each time you get a different checkpoint/task you have to do before you progress). For example, one dungeon run could require you to get to the bowleaf tree, do a parkour or something, and only then you can progress thru to the cup and fight the boss. Another possibility is to do some form of a puzzle for the sphinx.
2. Chamber of secret
First of all, shout-out to @Takalo for coming up with this idea and allowing me to write it out for him. So basically, the idea is to have the famous Chamber be used as a dungeon. The chamber already has a maze, and with minor changes it could work very well as a dungeon. Besides it being a maze and already requiring spells to progress through, I could see certain areas being reworked to function as some form of a checkpoint, where you would have to do a certain task to carry on. The task could be any sort of puzzles with spells, fighting mobs (like the already existing spiders), parkouring and more (possibly taking inspiration from the actual Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets game, which is the highest ranked HP game in the series). At the end of the maze, there would be the door to the chamber, which would serve as the last checkpoint/puzzle area. After that, the chamber itself would have a boss battle (possibly including sword as a weapon). You would fight the basilisk of course, maybe even Tom Riddle himself. For the basilisk battle, it would be cool to do something like the HP game did, so the snake is not actively moving (more realistic for Minecraft, it could just be a statue that moves a bit to create an illusion of it being alive). Many boss battles in games generally look like that, I guess Zirxas and the woodshire boss work similar to that concept. The boss would be more of a strategy battle rather than pure combat, so you would need to avoid certain areas at certain times, do certain things/spells during certain attacks (this is important so that newer players could participate as well, without being in a HUGE disadvantage because they don't have many combat spells)
Side note: possibly remove the maze from the world as many newcomers want to see the chamber, but it's a pain to get to. I notice a lot of people asking where the chamber is and generally they get disappointed because its almost impossible for them to access.

Realistically, each film could have this kind of repeatable quest/dungeon/whatever as a little easter egg, it could be apart of the MSL. We already have battle of hogwarts, sort of, and the philosopher stone area which could have more to it, but we do have it. So it would be cool to have similar things for all of the movies
azkaban, which is hopefully being made, for the third movie
department of mysteries is perfect for some sort of dungeon
pensieve challenge could technically be a thing for the 6th movie


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings, @Ivan_ !

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to this thread. We finally have a decision for you, and unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. We will not be implementing this idea as we are trying to create our own stories and stay away from canon content due to the C&D.

Regardless, thank you for making this suggestion and we hope to see more ideas from you in the future!