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News Differences


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
For a while now Wiz News has felt... well a bit dead. It's just 2, maybe another for sports reading out what has already been said in #announcements or #gameplay updates. Most people who watch these videos will already be in the discord, so then... what's actually the point of the news - there's even the Newspaper in game which brings more variety. I suggest that both could be revamped, here's how:

Wiznews currently is constantly stuck in the studio except from the 30 second exception where a person rambles on about tournaments. In older episodes of Wiz News you had more very short skits or jokes that were taken by different people and for a lot of it the news would alternate between people telling stories, updates (where they would show them off in game) or just do a small joke or advertisement and that was really fun and in my opinion should be brought back.
I think a weather roleplay skit thing would add quite a bit more personality to the news. I also think that interviews should be on the news too, where a staff member could interview another staff member (POSSIBLY even a student if that would be something they would be up to doing) at the location of an event/roleplay event. Something even like just a snippit of a pretend quabbleball match could be there with a person in the foreground just making a silly or informative comment like in the most recent wiznews they simply announce the broom models, no fun, no live examples just show a picture and move on, an example of something like this could be like "OH and there Aurora goes, scoring yet another 10 points for the red team and- wow, what broom is she on there? Oh, well it looks stunning, I almost forgot there that the broom models have been revamped to a more sleek and realistic texture. Oh... and there goes Maddie crashing into a hoop. Back to the studio with you, Sunnya". I think the June News (which actually wasn't done but oh well) could have been something like where an interviewer (not the people in the studio) goes to the destroyed bases and questions a person of what their OPINION is of what's going on. I capitalised opinion there as it's something Wiz News is currently missing: personality. Old Wiz New's were made happy due to the simple voices of the performers / news crew. This is something that is missing in new ones and it's a shame as that's what makes a news show different from all the rest: the personality, humanity and opinions of the people there so yes, I do suggest more excitement should be added as if they actually want to be there.

So, for Wiz News, I suggested far more interviews and not being stuck in the studio and involving more of a big audience and not just sticking to the limited media team. But interviews was a big part of the in game newspaper so it of course, needs a difference. Personally, from knowledge I can safely say that only a VERY small minority of players read the Daily Diviner and most of them will only read when they're in it. So for first things, it needs way more advertisement, I think it could be included in the regular broadcasts they have in game to remind people to get one and maybe mentioned by a few NPCs. It also should be directly introduced to the player via more quests, announcements, mentions in Wiz News. But anyway, this suggestion is about content, the Daily Diviner has a lot of potential which isn't executed at all. I think while Wiz News could be more of a staff thing, the newspaper should be more of a player thing. Of course it already contains many interviews with players but to be honest, it's getting a bit old and they're not that enticing. I think having players be able to get their own sort of section through staff members could be a real big change in the newspaper. Things like S.A.W.D., roleplay towns, the order of the toad, quabbleball groups, the serpent story telling hangouts or families even could ask a daily diviner writer to be in it and have a section saying what it's about and explaining what's happening. It would be fantastic if the writers wouldn't even need to be asked to have something like this happen and take it into account themselves. The Newspaper could also benefit from extra world building beyond just players and the average staff on to the realm of extra roleplay information, like an roleplay criminal being finally arrested or quabbleball matches and pretend controversy. I feel like making an arc of roleplay in the Daily Diviner slowly giving clues could be something amazing. Either way, many more players would read the articles if they knew that the group that they worked very hard on would be introduced or their family their in was mentioned or that they could find a new group and that there might be more world expanding coming.

So, there's what I think then.
For Wiz News, it needs:
- More excitement behind the voices
- Interaction and games
- Less pointless blabber
- More interviews and less studio-stuff
- More skits and humour
- Less just reading everything from announcements
- Advertisement of the Daily Diviner
- Major game play/roleplay updates
- Interviews
- And in general more fun, roleplay and acts (something which potterworld is missing at the moment)

And for the newspaper, I believe it:
- Should incorperate players more than just interviews
- Should be introduced and advertised more obviously
- Shouldn't have an interview in every section, in every addition
- Should be a place for players to advertise their groups
- Should be more about finding stuff from what's going on CURRENTLY on potterworld (groups, protests, families) rather than opinions about stuff that has been going on for years.
- Could build extra small facts about the wizarding world including Potterworld made up roleplay and lore.

I also think that more skits are needed on Potterworld with funny, cringey plots (those are clearly the best videos, par the songs)

Also as a bit of an example of what Wiz News used to be like, here's a link to one of the older ones, it's not perfect as it sounds quite scripted (which of course it is but ya know) but I still think it's better:

And here's a link to the most recent one:
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Potterworld Legend
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect Drooble's Order
Hello and thank you for your suggestion Matty!
I will now bring up your idea to the other Poltergeists. We will discuss it and inform you of any updates.
Have a great day!


Minecraft IGN: Sunnya
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW
Hey guys!

I had intended to respond to this feedback a long time ago, but IRL and Media have been taking up my time so I wasn't able to. Anyway, I really appreciate the feedback when it comes to the WizNews video and the Daily Diviner! We're always looking to improve the content we make in Media. I'll address those two things in separate parts.

For WizNews, it's tricky. These videos are not easy to make as they take a lot of time to record/edit, but also they need to be completed in a very short period of time. The main function of the main WizNews videos was and will always be to recap the news from the previous month. That is the intention of those videos and changing that isn't really something we want to do. As for interviews and skits, we want those to be in separate videos (such as WizNews After Hours). However, we can look into more aways to improve it.

For Daily Diviner, I agree with your points. The Daily Diviner Lead Producers and I have been and are continuously working on ways we can improve the publication and make it better. We'll continue to talk about your ideas and see what we can implement. We have quite a few ideas, but some of them will take a bit more time. Overall, we want to make the publication be more interesting for players who are not team members and involve them more.

Thank you so much again for your feedback and ideas!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Heya @MattyPoltergeist!

I'd like to thank you again for bringing up your suggestions and feedback regarding WizNews, as we always appreciate hearing the community thoughts and finding ways to improve the server! I'd like to inform you that this thread has been completed. If you have any other suggestions or feedback, feel free to create another thread and share it with us!

Hope you have a nice day!