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November & General Store Releases Feedback Form


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW

There have been many new additions to the Store recently including the 'Music in the Air' themed store release, the Guardian update, Emotes Update, Gift Cards, Discord Booster update, and more. If you haven't had the chance to check out these updates, we highly recommend checking them out on the Store, at the In-Game Store, or in the release announcements. We would love to hear your thoughts about these updates and releases, as we really appreciate your feedback and will use it to improve future releases.

Click here to be taken to the form where you can submit any feedback you have for the updates and releases. The due date for this form is the 5th of December at 12 PM PST. You will receive 20 AC for filling out this form. However, you may choose to remain anonymous but will not receive any AC.