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NPC missing in dueling hall


New Magician
My friends and I are trying to figure out how to duel and watch each other. We have a group of four. We are in the dueling hall, as people have told us, but there is no NPC that we were told to find.

What do we do in order to have to duel in the dueling hall and be able to watch our entire group?


Assistant to Head of Technology & Development
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: Teheeo
Assistant Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Arithmancer SPEW
Hello @ivinity,

To be able to duel in the dueling hall you will need to speak to the Arena Selector NPC (looks like Droobledore). I have attached a picture if you click on his name.

Once you speak to the Arena Selector he will open a GUI. This GUI has all the Dueling Halls that you can visit. You and your friends must simply select one of these halls, for example FFA, and you will be teleported there. Everyone must click to be teleported.

You and your friends will be teleported into the Arena. If you wish to leave and spectate you can speak to the Leave NPC and this will take you back to where you started. What you will have to do is run either to the left or the right and find the dueling hall that you wish to spectate.
Returning to our example; the FFA Arena is on the far left, so you'll need to run to the end of the left hall

Hope this helps, if you need anymore clarification please do not hesitate to reply here or make a ticket in game with the command /t create and a team member will happily help you.

Happy dueling!

Kind Regards,