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Parkour Minigame, Event, and Class suggestions!


Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Hi! A friend of mine who really likes parkour was interested in seeing more added to the parkour on PotterworldMC. So, I made this forum. Onto the suggestions!

1. Parkour Race Minigame
This is a minigame in which players will spawn in an arena consisting of parkour. When the game starts, they'll be teleported into the course and race to finish before everyone else! Similar to flying, this minigame will record when players finish the course when they reach the end. (ex: "Klenexoxo has finished the course in 55 seconds!")

Why: Parkour is a big part of Potterworld and its events. Having something like this could be good practice for everyone to hone their skills and do better in events and Wizard's PE!

2. Wizard's PE Concept #1
Everyone loves puzzles! If someone says they don't, they are lying. This class concept would place you in the spawn area. When the professor starts, players would be teleported into a course. There are various stages to this course. Throughout the course, there are items required to progress through the parkour and items required to get to the next stage. (For example, on one stage you may need to pick up a feather to use to interact with a Niffler that's up on a high ledge. Upon tickling the niffler, the niffler with drop a key you can use to unlock the door to the next stage).

Why: Wizard's PE has been a part of PotterworldMC for a long time and is an iconic part of the server. Academics as a whole grown and developed lessons and class subjects, and it feels as if Wizard's PE has remained the same throughout the years! This could be something new and fun for us players!

3. Wizard's PE Concept #2 and/or Parkour Challenge
This idea came from my good friend Leyak! They suggested that parkour classes and/or challenges become team based. We started thinking thinking of how this could work. The idea is that two players would spawn into a quick course. Each person will receive a wand. One wand will have a set number of spells made for interacting with the course and vice versa for the other wand. They'll need to use these wands to interact with components of the course. One player cannot progress through the course without the others help. (For example, one wand may clear plants while the other clears wool or lifts blocks with feathers on them). This becomes competetive when you put teams of two against one another to see who can complete the course first.

Why: This would be something new to both Wizard PE and Challenges and fun for everyone.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
I really like the first idea of making a parkour game that is not just in party games. Though I have to say I don’t think that WizPE should be changed in any way that it doesn’t just require parkour skill I do like the suggestion of teams in parkour. The only problem with that would be that there would only be either one or two good teams considering the number of people who are valid in parkour.
~Ju Crestello


Assistant to Head of CM
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Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
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Hi @_Klene, thanks for the Wizard's PE-related suggestions!!

For the first suggestion, we wanted to mention that this is currently available in Party Games! You can race other players through parkour and players have to see how far they can get while racing each other.

We think the second and third ideas in this suggestion sound fun, and we especially love adding new magical elements to our classes! We have passed these suggestions on to members currently working on Wizard's PE, and also the suggestion and similar are free for individual members of the Academics team to pursue if they would like to!

Thanks for your great magical ideas, and feel free to suggest any more!