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Parkour voting


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
We should be able to vote on the parkour maps either before class or when the rules are getting announced. Some courses are extremely hard and it makes the chat say things like "I'm crying rn". I honestly think it would be more fair. or before class starts they tell you what course it will be, when the queue is up. Lemme know if u agree.


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @neppie__!

Thank you so much for this suggestion, and apologies for the time it took to get a response. We will be marking this as declined as we want to avoid having players vote for the same maps and having them repeated multiple times. We will not be making this a requirement for WizPE classes, however, professors may do this in their WizPE classes if they choose to.

We appreciate any suggestions or feedback you provide to help improve the server. Thank you again, and have an amazing day!