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parkour while waiting in class


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @LiviDk!!

Thank you for this suggestion!! We appreciate you sharing the ideas you have to help make potterworld the best it can be. I will bring this idea up with the team and it will be discussed. Once a final decision has been made I will let you know!! Have a great day!


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @LiviDk!

Thank you for being patient while the team made a decision on your suggestion! Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. This is a very creative idea and we understand that sometimes players may get bored waiting in classes, however, we feel that it would not be worth the effort to build parkours to add to flying classes. This could take away from the focus of flying in these classes as well. If this were to be implemented, only a few students may use it and due to many players flying it could create lag and therefore be frustrating to complete. Furthermore, it can be difficult for the academics team to moderate players as they would have to watch the parkour and flying.

We really appreciate the suggestions you make and we hope you continue to make more forums! Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion and we hope you understand why this decision was made!!