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[Party Games] Increase Gold Reward For Unranked Players

Gold Reward for Unranked Players

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Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
The suggestion is to increase the gold reward for the unranked players due to the length of time Party Games seems to take to finish.

The length of Party Games varies and likely ranges from 8 minutes to 10 minutes depending on how fast certain games are finished. One entire round took the entire length of an 8 minute long song that I was listening to, so yeah.

Ranked players currently get 1st - 40g, 2nd - 35g, and 3rd - 30g.
Unranked players get 10g.

Based on the other games and their length:
Hide and Seek - 5 minutes long - Initial Seeker gets 20g, I think Hiders get 2g every minute so 10g max
Quabbleball - 5 minutes long - Winners 20g, Losers 10g
Melting Floor - Varies, but 10 minute countdown - Winner 10g? Losers 5g

Based on the rewards and lengths of the other games, Ranked players in Party Games do get a good amount of gold, but the Unranked players seem to get shortchanged and would probably be better off spending their time playing Melting Floor with not a lot of effort compared to the games in Party Games. Of course, Party Games requires varying skills, so a player can go ranked to unranked depending on the game and other players. It's just the amount of time it takes to play an entire round and the reward vs. how much someone can get in the other games.

If the current rewards for the Ranked players stay, maybe increase the Unranked rewards to 15g or 20g?
An alternative is to reduce the amount of games played to 5 instead of 6, keep the 10g reward if you guys aren't interested in changing it.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hi @Somnambulist !

Thanks so much for your suggestion! We take the opinions and ideas of players into careful consideration and are always looking forward to see what everyone has to say. I've decided to go ahead and bring this up with my team members. We will be looking into this soon, and I will reply back to this thread when we've made a decision.

Have a wonderful day!


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello again @Somnambulist,

We definitely understand where you are coming from, so we have decided to accept your suggestion. After discussing the amount of gold unranked players should get, we have decided that the base reward will be raised to 15. This has not been implemented yet, though.

Thanks again for taking the time to continuously bring up your ideas in these forums. Take care and have a magical day <3


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
The reward should now have been raised to 15. We hope that makes the rewards for unranked players a bit fairer!