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Party Suggestions


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: chail3y
Dark Follower Staff Raven Vampire Lead Game Designer Sr. Architect Lead
I have waited for some time now on writing this post because each time I think of something else or have another experience that affects what I want to write. I think I have included the major suggestions that people mention with parties.

Most players on Potterword know and love the ability to use party chats. It allows you to control small groups of players to talk to and communicate about things such as chest runs, events held on housings, just friendly talking, and so much more. Personally I love having party chats as a way for people to communicate who aren't able to be in a discord voice call or are not able to speak. My group of friends and I use a party at least once a day and so we have accumulated many things that we think would be beneficial to help make the experience even better than it already is.

Firstly, I will start with the most obvious thing for anyone who has messed with partied a lot. /party remove <user> does not work. This proves to be very difficult when there is a person that the leader of the party no longer wants them in the party and the person will not leave the party. I had an experience a few weeks ago where I had a full party and we had a player not cooperating with the other members of the party that we wanted to remove. Since this command was not working I had to abandon the party and start a new party where I proceeded to add the exact same members, minus the one player and someone who went afk and was still in the party. Actually this leads to my second point.

This would not have been as big of an issue if we would not have had various people we had to tell that they couldn't join the party because we didn't have room. Currently, the party max is 10. Honestly, I believe this should be increased to 30, but at the least, it should be 20. For example when a large group of people goes on a chest run, whoever is left out of the party chat has to constantly pm someone in the chat any questions or any time they get lost. In most cases, this gets overwhelming for the person leading the chest run and makes the run less enjoyable for everyone. The same thing goes when a group tries to take on the memory walker or revenant quests or event things. By increasing the party limit, it allows larger groups to effectively use party chats instead of pming or in some cases, just using one of the other chat channels such as quest chat.

In addition to this, I believe that the length of time before someone is kicked after logging off should be decreased for everyone. Right now, If someone logs off before leaving a party, they are still taking up room in the, already limited in members, party. If a member logs off there is what I believe is a 5 minute grace period before the member is kicked from the party. Having some form of a grace period is important because it someone crashes and logs right back on, it is unfair for the party leader to have to invite them several times. To meet in the middle I think it should be reduced to 2 minutes. If the max number of members is increased however, this would not be nearly as important to be changed.

Now, I did not exclude the party leader in this. If the party leader logs off for longer than 5 minutes, the party is abandoned. I think instead of it being abandoned, the person in the party longest should be automatically promoted to the party leader. That was if the party leader leaves but the rest of the party is using it, the party will not be disbanded.

Next, I think that invites should expire. "Why?" You may ask. The amount of times I have sent out numerous invites to people for a party just to have them ignored and then 20 minutes later have them join taking the last open spot in a party is kind of sad. By having the invites expire after, say 5 minutes, this problem would be solved. There is actually another solution to this same problem that could also be beneficial to parties running smoothly. In addition to the invites expiring, You should only be able to invite the limit of members. For example if you can only have 10 people in a party, you should not be able to send an invite to an 11th person. That way you can't have someone invited second, unable to join.

Now speaking of inviting people to a party. Thanks to one of the more recent updates, you can now shift right click and add someone to a party! This is very useful in the event of adding many people to a party. I believe that something that could go hand in hand with making this easier, is in the invite, the player invited should have the option to click the invite in chat to join. This is more of a convenience thing and less of a serious issue but still something I wanted to include.

Parties are a super useful tool on Potterworld and I would love to see them get even better. I wanted to express some of the things players notice while using them, especially before Revelius is released. With this upcoming update that, from what I can tell, will be highly focused on quests, Parties will be used even more frequently now and most likely in larger groups. Some of these things could be vital to helping it run smoothly. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my (very very long) list of suggestions and I hope that this is some beneficial insight as to the way players view how parties work.

Shoutout to Puwumpkin, KiarraDatCat, Wishops, Carbolicious, Bearsmoke, Nalieva, Miamite, and anyone else that I forgot, for helping me make sure I had everything we talked about in this post! This was a joint effort from all of us <3 (And yes, the font is green because of the party theme of the post)
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Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
These are some great ideas and in my opinion they would totally make using a party easier, especially with the max amount of people to be able to be in a party, as that is very restricting, and it's very common that you have to either use /msg or create a 2nd party to be able to communicate with everyone. And because parties are used for a variety of things, these changes would be great to see!


Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
Hello there! I'll now bring up your ideas to the Poltergeist team so we can discuss them and come with a response as soon as possible. Thank you for your suggestions!


Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
Hello there!
We have discussed your ideas and we decided to approve all of them except the one of decreasing the timer before an automatic kick. We have no ETA yet but this is something we'd love to implement! Thank you so much for your suggestions, we appreciate all the feedback from the community!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: chail3y
Dark Follower Staff Raven Vampire Lead Game Designer Sr. Architect Lead
Thank you so much for your guys consideration and I can't wait to see these implemented!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hi hi @chaileyrose !

I'm pleased to inform you that this suggestion has been completed with today's Party Update! The party remove bug with nicknames has been fixed the party member limit has been removed. The role of party leader is now passed to the second oldest member if the leader goes offline. The command /party requests will show you your incoming party requests that expire after 5 minutes. Party invites are now also clickable! We hope you enjoy the new additions and improvements!

Thank you once again for bringing up this wonderful suggestion and I hope you have a magnificent day!