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Pierre once again


Minecraft IGN: aklokin
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Linked
At the moment we have two cute sceneries from École du Monde Occulte, one normal version, one Christmas version. If that's not already the case, this is the perfect opportunity to update the scenery with a little easter egg in the form of Pierre hiding somewhere.
I see that you don't put custom items in any of the sceneries, this could be a great exception!
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Allandrk
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
Greetings @aklokin !

Sadly, this suggestion has been declined. Although it's a sweet idea, we don't use custom items in sceneries (items on ASTs) because they don't copy over and physically can't be used. I would've loved to see this added, but it sadly just is not possible.

Thank you for leaving this suggestion, it is highly appreciated! Have a wonderful day!