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Plant Themed Pets


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
I am so full of ideas this week that I have to tell you my new idea for a pet!

Ok, *sigh* what is your new idea?

So, what I was thinking was... a sapling/tree/succulent.

Neptune... that sounds stupid.

Stupid you say? This pet would be so adorable! Of course, it will not just be a sapling/tree/succulent. I was thinking that it could be placed in a terracotta plant pot, have a little baby face and maybe even have little leaves and moss coming off of it.

That actually sounds... decent.

Decent? Come on, It would be super cute and loveable! Don't you agree?



Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
What if this plant was riding in one of those radio flyer wagons? If it was just a plant in a pot, then maybe it could double as a /hat too? I think it would have to be an easy to model type of plant though? Maybe it could be a some type of long grass or a snake plant? It'd be cool if it were a bonsai type or maybe use the minecraft plant models?


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
What if this plant was riding in one of those radio flyer wagons? If it was just a plant in a pot, then maybe it could double as a /hat too? I think it would have to be an easy to model type of plant though? Maybe it could be a some type of long grass or a snake plant? It'd be cool if it were a bonsai type or maybe use the minecraft plant models?
That is such a cute idea!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings, @neppie__ !

Thank you so much for making this suggestion! After some discussion, this suggestion was accepted, and will for now be placed on hold. We want to look into the possibilities for this pet. Please note that the result could look different than suggested.

Again, thank you for the suggestion and I hope you have a fantastic day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello again, @neppie__ !

I'm happy to let you know that this suggestion has been completed. With the release of our Pet Sprout, we now have a plant pet on the store! This lovely new addition was inspired by this suggestion!

Thank you again for the suggestion and we hope you have a wonderful day!