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Playerlist on hover in multiplayer serverlist


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Aber4th
Raven Linked
I'd like to suggest adding in hover-function. When joining servers it's possible to show the players that are online at the time as a hover-popup. This can show players a few of the players that are online (most of the time that's about 8 or so that are shown).

I know that in many cases there are more then 12 players online, yet mostly for CET timezone it happens regularly that there are less then 12. It would be nice to have such a hover function to see who is online.

I talked with Harrison on discord, he told me its not as easy as changing a boolean from false to true, yet i think it shouldn't be too complicated as getting the players from each server and pushing them into an array seems to me like its possible, but that said... no clue how the server runs haha, so maybe its not that easy.

An example:


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Allandrk
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hello, @Aber4th !

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined, as most players join the server right away instead of looking at the multiplayer menu or considering how many of their friends are online. In addition, given the fact that the implementation of this will not be the easiest thing to do, we don't see any value in changing it at the present point in time.

Nevertheless, thank you for making this suggestion, and have a wonderful day!