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Please add iron doors to the Mine Deport. And add redstone and restone mechanisms to the mine deport please.

ch amp

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: jxkson
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Linked
'Ello @_MrYegor_ !

I'll share your idea with the Poltergeist team and get back to you once we've discussed it! Thanks for the suggestion!


New Magician
Than you realy much. But if red stone can cause lags, just ban it for people who will cause too much lags(who uses it “incorrectly” and thank you


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
I don't think it would be possible to ban it for particular people, but even with all the redstone being used properly, it would still cause a lot of lag.


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
But if red stone can cause lags, just ban it for people who will cause too much lags(who uses it “incorrectly”
This would be very difficult to implement. How do you see this realised? How would staff members determine who is using redstone "incorrectly"? How would they prevent redstone from being traded? Do you expect staff members to actively check housings from every single member in the community?

There are far too many practicalities making this nearly impossible to succesfully implement. I like your optimism, since I've been in your shoes once and suggested something very similar to this, but experience has learned that this will simply not be added to the server, and maybe for the best.


Minecraft IGN: xxXperteXxx
Auralock Serpent Linked
There are already some redstone mechanisms which are possible to create. I have some redstone because before the Exploration Update, it was a potion ingredient (Ptolemy). I still have 2 or 3 stacks and I combined them with 2 fence gates, some redstone torches, a lever and a pressure plate to a double-locked-hidden-painting-entrance. You have to pull the lever and put something on the pressure plate to be able to go through the painting. It's absolutely not laggy, but it's only a small redstone meachnism in my basement.

ch amp

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: jxkson
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Linked
Hey there @_MrYegor_ !

After discussing your suggestion we decided that large amounts of redstone would be too laggy, and it could be easily abused. Due to this, we will not be implementing your idea. However, we do appreciate you taking the time to give us feedback, so thank you!