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Please dont add parkour into quests


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
Not everyone should be forced to do parkour, bc not everyone is good at it, and quests arent rly optional, parkour should only be for wizzards P.E, and minegames around the map.
(For example on the 3rd quest for a grad, the parkour is timed, which realy really got me frustrated)


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I don't agree. Quests are supposed to be challenging, each one in their own way. Just because parkour is not your strongest skill, it doesn't mean that it should be removed. What do you mean by "quests aren't rly optional"? You aren't forced to do quests, they are just an extra way of getting XP. And at the end of the day, they are part of the gameplay and it makes total sense that they would have parkour.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
I think the parkour in quests on this server can be a bit daunting, especially for players who aren't as skilled at it. I just recently started playing on another MMORPG Minecraft server, and have run into a few quests that required parkour. The parkour on that server seems fairly easy compared to the parkour on Potterworld. Where the parkour was short, straight forward, and had 2x2 platforms whilst on here it's one block and tedious most of the time. I'm unsure if the parkour will get progressively harder on that server, but comparing both, I honestly prefer the other server's parkour.

I'm not a fan of parkour, but I think it would be great to see new quests in the future that implement the Summer Beach Party parkour where we had to cast magic and the parkour blocks appeared and disappeared after a few seconds.


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
like we can still have parkour, but make it easier, timed parkour isnt easy, and many people cant do it. If your a grad, you dont really have any other choice but to do quests, bc the kappas don't give much XP bc their only a level higher, and not everyone is on for classes. I understand you get free 10 AC everyday by voting, but it's still not enough


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: RainbowElfe
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
like we can still have parkour, but make it easier, timed parkour isnt easy, and many people cant do it. If your a grad, you dont really have any other choice but to do quests, bc the kappas don't give much XP bc their only a level higher, and not everyone is on for classes. I understand you get free 10 AC everyday by voting, but it's still not enough
so do you want quests for graduates, the highest level on the server, to be easy? if you want to be a graduate then you should put in the work for it. I'm not trying to be mean but that's just the truth. when you go up levels, quests are gonna get harder and take longer to complete. also, you can't even get to level 80 with just quest xp. you need to grind anyways lmao


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
like we can still have parkour, but make it easier, timed parkour isnt easy, and many people cant do it. If your a grad, you dont really have any other choice but to do quests, bc the kappas don't give much XP bc their only a level higher, and not everyone is on for classes. I understand you get free 10 AC everyday by voting, but it's still not enough
You've been talking about this timed parkour quest for days now and tbh quests don't even give that much XP. You probably got that amount of XP from voting alone in the past few days. And again, you have many many ways to get XP. You don't wanna farm kappas since they don't give you as much XP as you would expect, the classes excuse doesn't make much sense either, you can make potions, food or whatever for XP, you can vote, you can trade voting tokens for ACs, you can claim daily XP, daily riddle.. When I used to "level" up, we could only do so with AC, and you got ACs only from classes and daily riddle which you werent allowed to ask help for and every day it was a new riddle, so when you go thru that, it's disappointing to see new people complain about parkour in a *additional* and *not required* way of earning XP. Skilled people will always have an advantage on PW and it should be that way. Skilled people will always finish the PE classes, skilled people will always be first in flying, skilled people will always win minigames (another way of getting XP which I forgot to mentioned), skilled people will always win in duels and tournaments.. Your suggestion is just disrespectful to people who like parkour and would love to use their skill in earning XP, and also the ones who spent days to finish that quest.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hey @Yellow_Flower!

I understand where you're coming from as a player dealing with parkour. Unfortunately this suggestion has been brought up multiple times in the past and declined. Here you can view the original thread. Therefore, I am going to have to mark this as a duplicate and decline it.

Although do not be discouraged! We love hearing feedback from the players no matter what it is. Have a fantastic day!