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Post Year 1 Quests at Hogsworth.

I find it odd how, lore, wise we are all students at Hogsworth from years 1-7, but we only have quests in Hogsworth during our first year. I think that to give players some more story, there should be more quests at Hogsworth as you go along, so when your Year 7 there are new quests for you to do at Hogsworth. I'm aware that the levels of wizards may be too high for the Hogsworth area, but I've seen quests where you go to caves to fight bosses once and never return. Why can't that be a thing?


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hello, @raging_gamer !

Thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion! Unfortunately, this idea is a duplicate to the original thread, which was accepted. We already want to look into adding and designing quests for higher levels at Hogsworth. You can see the original thread here, where there will also be posted updates once we implement the idea or any additional decisions.

Nevertheless, thank you for this suggestion and we hope to see more from you in the future! Have a magical day!