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Potions should be brought back into the overall server scene again


Minecraft IGN: daance
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
Firstly, some thoughts in general about the server that relate to potions. I'm sure many players feel this way as well, so it is something to keep in mind. This was written by @Deci, @Llama, @MattyPoltergeist and me.

After exploration, many core established elements of gameplay were taken out, and not much was added in place of them - think exploration before revelius part 1 thing, there wasn't even quests at the time and leveling was slow and a bit tedious bc xp gain was slow and the main content really was just the taskboard and events.

Revelius came, which is good, but other than gear, the main gameplay thing it added was a lot of quests. these are fine, but obvioiusly quests are a one time thing and can get tiring, and sometimes you want a break in gameplay to level up. imo, dungeons coming up soon sound great to help you level or make gold, so that's a great improvement.

I think the sell-to=npc mechanic for potions should be brought back. It used to be one of the main ways to gain gold, and it was a nice one that isn't exploitable! you gather ingredients for potions in bulk, and sell them to the server shop for a couple gold. As other suggestions have said, you could even add rarities, and the faster you brewed a potion the higher rarity it could have, and sell for more. In the past, the old potions GUI and timed potions were removed as they were unfair for people with laggier connection, but now you have plenty of time before a potion is ruined and so you can only improve on the quickness - the lag aspect has been ruled out as a problem.

Also, potions right now need a bunch of ingredients from 2 ish different mobs per potion, and a plant. this is ok, but you need to get a bulk of two different mobs' ingredients and also plants, which isn't bad but every potion is like this, so there is no variety.

Also, potions feel alien right now, because their effects aren't worth it for the time it takes to brew them, and their stats last for short anyways. this would be balanced if they were easier to brew. also, these potions are made up ones and I cant understand for the life of me why GD doesnt just add canon harry potter potions - its fine if you only add a few new ones, I think everyone will like them more and be more familiar with them than some piercing potion.
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Notable Magician
I agree with your idea. I believe I or someone else mentioned in a thread (which I don't remember) that adding an additional "side-quest" NPC which offers you to make potions and give it to him for XP and gold could be a nice idea. Maybe instead of using a sell-to NPC for potions, they could add a use for the countless NPC's around the whole map (who are now useless) by giving them a small side-quest, of needing a potion for example. You then start brewing the potion with your ingredients and give it to them for Gold, XP, or maybe a different reward!

A secondary option would be to add a few NPC's around the map in well-known areas, like Vertick Alley, and the other villages/towns/cities where the NPC gives the player an "order" (For example: "This person is in need of a ... potion, would you be willing to brew this for me, as I don't have the ingredients on hand?") which the player would then fulfill, and then bring back the potion for XP and Gold. This NPC would then give like 5 different orders every day.

I definitely agree with your last paragraph, about new potions too. Having more Unique potions would be amazing. And as for the polyjuice potion, it might be a bit too hard to implement of course, although there are countless other potions used and brewed in the movies and books (some also in written fanfiction stories). I really hope something like that will be added!

One of my threads https://potterworldmc.com/threads/more-advanced-potions-and-learning.10076/ might also fit nicely together with this one, as it makes the brewing experience more fun and unique.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Heya @Mateo and the others who have brought of their thoughts!

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback/thoughts with us, as we are always searching for ways to improve the server and make it fun for all players! Personally, I understand the concern with Potions and where it currently is after the Revelius update, so it would be interesting to see some old aspects return. At this time, I'll bring it up to the rest of the Poltergeist team to discuss it further. Once the Leadership team reaches a decision, I will return with a response as soon as possible!

Thank you again and I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings, @Mateo and others that contributed to the thread!

Thank you again for all the feedback! We'll be taking a look at potions and all professions as we move to subjects and will keep this feedback in mind! However, we can confirm that we will not be adding potions that are canon in Harry Potter.

We apologize for the late response to this feedback. If you have any questions about our decision please reach out! I hope you all have a wonderful day!