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Potterworld: Podcast

Would you want a podcast in Potterworld?

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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: ALD07
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
Hello, Wizards & Witches, Potterworld Fans and Staff,

We are Chestienut and ALD07, and we are here to put forward a new and exciting idea to the community of Potterworld at large:

An Official Potterworld Podcast!

As avid players of Potterworld, we think that the magical world that the staff-team has formed from the basis of *that-other-universe* is such an in-depth and gorgeous one that anyone can immerse themselves in. Not only that, but the welcomeness of staff and members alike have created a community genuinely worth being a part of.

Would you like to listen in on new events or know the latest fashion trend or even just lore on creatures?

Our podcast will have many interesting, fun topics, and we will also do Q&As, guest speakers, and more!

Topics include:

Lore & Stories

Event Info/Updates

House Points(Updates on who is winning out of the four houses)

Guides, Tips, and Tricks

Dueling and Quabbleball Leaderboards

And much more!

If this gets approved, we will do our best to provide quality information and entertainment for our listeners! We will work with the Media team in producing these high-quality podcasts on a Bi-weekly schedule. A collaborative effort between staff teams will ensure engaging and enjoyable content for all of the Potterworld community.

Our aim is to have this podcast posted on the Potterworld Official YouTube page, as it will provide fresh new content that you, the players, can listen to while on the server instead of needing to click off the browser to watch a video.

That is our pitch not only to the staff-team but to the community as well. Would you like for this to happen?

Please vote in the poll! Let’s get the word out there! Let’s tell everyone what the PotterWorld has to offer!
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Minecraft IGN: Pennox__
Serpent Linked
I’m not to sure on this - one, because we get informative newsletters each month with the WizNewsletter and the media team do a great job on this already. It could be unofficial and you can still do the Podcast, but the staff put their time and dedication into informing the community with their platform and a podcast would just take away a system that already works for everyone.

Aspasia Le Fay

Minecraft IGN: ShatterdHeart
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Builder SPEW Arena Master Linked Faerie
We technically already have a podcast for potterworld but it's on current halt. It's called WizNews After Hours. I bet if WizNews comes back so will the After Hours segment. Other than that most of the directors are busy working on other videos to have time for a podcast. Hopefully it will be added in the future. :heart:


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Chestienut
I’m not to sure on this - one, because we get informative newsletters each month with the WizNewsletter and the media team do a great job on this already. It could be unofficial and you can still do the Podcast, but the staff put their time and dedication into informing the community with their platform and a podcast would just take away a system that already works for everyone.
Much like books and audio books, or radio and newspapers, we're not aiming to replace The Daily Diviner and The WizNewsletter. Consider it more of an expansion/addition. Both TDD and TWN provide insight and depth that is greatly needed and appreciated, BUT they do require active concentration and focus to read. While that is of course the aim and concept of both, The podcast will provide the same, perhaps a shortened version or the same news at a more passive pace as well as more content like other conversations and topics perhaps not suited for TDD/TWN(Curated Content), such as personal experiences and stories. Not only that it would provide MORE on two fronts:

- A new, more casual channel of communication for the staff and the players. As the staff are widely beloved amongst the community and frequently chats with players in game chat, we feel like a a medium such as a podcast should allow for more of that the blossom by directly allowing the staff as well as players to speak from their own perspectives. "Putting a voice to a face", if you will.

- A medium for Players Old and New to share. Much like the new issue of TDD's Student Spotlight, a podcast allows Players to directly "share themselves" to the community. However, while TDD may be limited to, well, highlight/spotlight-able events and builds, we can more easily talk about experiences between players, conversations, moments of that Potterworld community magic that while only being on the server for a short amount of time, I've experienced in spades.

As for the Unofficial/Official side of things, of course this is only a pitch for the idea, If the Staff takes notice of this then we'll of course work with the staff to provide a concrete solution to integrate the Podcast into preexisting news provision platforms. The idea, of course, is to provide entertainment and information, but not at a cost to what's already there.
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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Chestienut
We technically already have a podcast for potterworld but it's on current halt. It's called WizNews After Hours. I bet if WizNews comes back so will the After Hours segment. Other than that most of the directors are busy working on other videos to have time for a podcast. Hopefully it will be added in the future. :heart:
OF COURSE! WizNews and WizNews AfterHours (as well as it's even older predecessor) was brought to our attention after initially "testing the waters" on a few of the server members. Of course we've given them a couple listens and was rather surprised at the fact that what we had in mind aligns pretty well with what they both had to offer. It is a shame that WNAH(and WN) is on hiatus :(((

But a major difference of what we want to provide versus what WNAH had to give is the "feel". Primarily, WNAH focused on more of the staff side of things, Perspectives (Sunnya's and Gabe's specifically) and Analysis/Discussions of the server's on-goings.

We're aiming to lean more on interactions, reactions, dichotomy, discussions,... of the Player Base and Staff.

Discussions and talks will move towards a "people's voice" feel. As it is starting out as an idea however, if it gets vetted, we'll refine it more to REALLY show what we mean.


Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked
We technically already have a podcast for potterworld but it's on current halt. It's called WizNews After Hours. I bet if WizNews comes back so will the After Hours segment. Other than that most of the directors are busy working on other videos to have time for a podcast. Hopefully it will be added in the future. :heart:


Minecraft IGN: Sunnya
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW
Hey there! Just thought I'd pop in and share my perspective.

Quite a couple of you mentioned WizNews specifically. If you're unaware, WizNews was basically a monthly recap video released on the channel. A year ago we also released a podcast-like video alongside it called the WizNews After Hours. In those, we talked about a few topics from that month in-depth and interviewed some Staff.

The main reason we stopped doing the WizNews videos was that they took a lot of time and not a huge chunk of people were into it or really actively watching. As these were monthly videos we could only start working on them the last 2-3 days of each month. It also required a lot of coordinating with others & time overall to put together. Because of the time crunch and the set guidelines & styling of these videos, it is only Media Leadership & Sr. Directors who can work on these. It isn't something I'm interested in bringing back as of now.

THAT ASIDE, we do have the option for Directors to making Potterworld/Potterwatch Podcasts on the channel. These can do exactly what was mentioned in this suggestion. We've released multiple of these videos in the past years, but haven't recently as there isn't a Director that can work on it now.

@ALDO & @Chestienut, I appreciate that you two are so passionate about this idea! The only thing I do need to say though is that any sort of video that is released on the official PotterworldMC YouTube channel MUST be created by the Potterwatch Directors. So, I encourage the two to apply Director and make these podcasts! The Director position and Potterwatch Team are both very chill and flexible. You can click here to view the application and feel free to message me on Discord (sunnya#6761) if you have any questions.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Yeah i dont think theres much to add with something like this, a lot of the people who are willing to watch / listen to these sort of stuff already know about the events, already know how to navigate the server and already know a basic level of lore (or are not bothered enough about roleplay). Smth like this would have to add something incredibly new that can only be found in the podcast. The daily diviner and wiz news are hard to keep active as a lot of the things said in them are already known by many players via the discord or aren't interesting enough for people to be really excited about smth like that coming out. I think the daily diviner is moving in a more positive direction however there is really only limited things you can do. It would be a lot of effort to make each rendition of the podcast new and fresh with exciting things because to put it bluntly humans get bored very easily and our attention spans are not very high. I would far rather see a revived and creatively motivated wiz news than a podcast like this but u gotta remember that the media team are ppl too and if they are creating content they see people aren't watching or reading it can probably feel very crushing.


Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked
I don’t think it’s coming back bc it would just be the same as the wiznewsletter (obviously idk for sure though)
The main reason we stopped doing the WizNews videos was that they took a lot of time and not a huge chunk of people were into it or really actively watching. As these were monthly videos we could only start working on them the last 2-3 days of each month. It also required a lot of coordinating with others & time overall to put together. Because of the time crunch and the set guidelines & styling of these videos, it is only Media Leadership & Sr. Directors who can work on these.

Makes sense Sunnya its just sad :((((

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Heya @ALDO and everyone who made feedback/commented on this thread!

Thank you for taking the time to make your suggestion! The concept of having a podcast sounds fun and exciting, and the topics suggested sound interesting as well. At this time, I will bring up your suggestion to the rest of the Poltergeist team, as well as take the feedback given here into consideration. Once a decision has been made by the leadership team, I will return to you with a response as soon as possible!

Thank you again and I hope you have a lovely day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hiya again @ALDO!

Thank you again for making your suggestion! After some consideration and discussion, we have decided to decline this suggestion, unfortunately. While we liked the concept and appreciate the thought that was put into it, we would rather put our time and resources into other projects as of right now, so we won’t be doing this.

Regarding WizNews videos, we won’t be bringing this back due to there being little interest for them compared to the time they took to make. As Sunnya has explained, WizNews videos were being made near the end of the month, so the amount of planning and time for this was quite a lot to put together and execute. However, Directors are able to create podcast-style videos if they wish to, but it is entirely up to them to do so. If you or anyone else is interested in creating video content, I encourage and recommend you apply for Director! Sunnya already made the link to the application, but I’ll put it
here as well just in case.

Regardless of this, we hope that you continue to create more suggestions and share them with us in the near future, as we always appreciate hearing your ideas to improve the server and community. Thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful day!