DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Potterworld POV

tori/mi laverna

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: httpsmilo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent
POV: It's the 2018 Winter Waltz event and you're walking around the school looking for newspaper clippings, but you get lost and forget that /spawn is an option so you rage quit and cry

tori/mi laverna

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: httpsmilo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent
POV: You give Sam Laverna your alt to mess around on, and he levels it up to level 12 and asks to duel you. He knows you suck at dueling and you do too, but you think you can beat him because the alts level is only 12. You end up losing the duel and all self confidence you once had.


Minecraft IGN: Stiitch3s
Dark Follower Griffin
POV: When it's pride event and you love to see everyone this happy and to make it even better for them you give them Gold to buy banners/Flags ect. And after they are very thankfull which makes you happy and almost cry


Head of Game Design
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: chail3y
Dark Follower Staff Head Staff Raven Vampire Sr. Architect Linked Faerie
POV: Getting stuck inside a tree in your first-ever dueling class and Cleck having to tp you out and then proceeding to think he hated you for like a month hahaha

Kira Frogg

Minecraft IGN: KiraTheHouseElf
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Serpent Vampire Scribe Publisher Linked
POV: You just sent an application in and turned on emails but the person above me sent their POV Causing you to get an email and scared you.


Head of Game Design
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: chail3y
Dark Follower Staff Head Staff Raven Vampire Sr. Architect Linked Faerie
POV: You were waiting on an response for an application for like 2 weeks and the person above me followed you on the forums for with zero context and scared you into thinking the person was the response

Kira Frogg

Minecraft IGN: KiraTheHouseElf
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Serpent Vampire Scribe Publisher Linked
POV: You’re in a voice chat with a lot of Zoldycks and the minute you join a flying game you hear Cleck say, “Oops sorry I thought you were Kira. Kira let me kill you!” And from now on you’re terrified to go in spleef.


Head of Game Design
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: chail3y
Dark Follower Staff Head Staff Raven Vampire Sr. Architect Linked Faerie
POV: you are in flying class and you forgot how to fly and weren't able to learn in class because cleck says you use the up arrow to go forward


Head of Game Design
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: chail3y
Dark Follower Staff Head Staff Raven Vampire Sr. Architect Linked Faerie
POV: Someone keeps throwing a tantrum about their notifications in 2 different discord yet still keeps responding to your thread