DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
PotterworldMC PotterworldMC PotterworldMC

Potterworld Tik Tok


Minecraft IGN: Sunnya
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW

As it's been a couple of weeks and there has been no response to Alexis' question, I will be declining this suggestion for the time being. Having a PotterworldMC Tik Tok is something we have thought about, but we'd need to figure out what content to release there before making an official account.
If you have any ideas for what we could do on a PW Tik Tok, don't hesitate to share it with us on this thread or on a new one. :D

Thank you for your suggestion,