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Potterworld Wiki: New Pages & Edits [June 30th 2022]


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW

Greetings everyone!

The Scribe team is excited to announce the start of the release of patch notes for the Potterworld Wiki! These will be listing all of the new pages and edits that have been implemented onto the wiki since the previous notes. This first group of patch notes will be going over the new content implemented during the time period between the release of the Wiki on May 8th to today, June 30th!

New Pages:
Below is the list and links to the new pages that have been written and implemented onto the wiki!

Edits Implemented:
Several edits were made to already existing pages due to new gameplay & development changes as well as updates to different departments.
  • Added additional collectables to the House Cup Winners page as well as various event pages
  • Updated new gear statistics for all pieces of gear
    • Pages edited: Helmet, Body, Leggings, Boots, Trinket, and Hand
  • Changed the tense of certain pages to reflect that they are no longer existent due to server updates
    • Pages edited: Loadouts, Magiventologist Team, Seer Team, Spell Trees, and Unspeakable Team
  • Updated pages to reflect all of the team changes that occurred
    • Pages edited: Academics Team, Arena Team, Arithmancer Team, Events, Potterwatch Team, and WizNetworker Team
  • Adjusted and edited the tables on various location and general information pages to keep consistency with other pages
  • Added additional commands for guilds, house-elves, parties, shopkeeper, and talents to the Commands page.
  • Updated and changed pages to match in-game changes or aspects of the server
    • Pages edited: Academic Credits, Bank Vaults, and various mob pages
  • Added the CE Hub NPC to the General NPCs page

That is all for this list of patch notes! We hope that you enjoy both the new and updated content on the wiki!

BlazeTheBeaver, ccoya, ElizabethTheToad, and Tangular123

KiraTheHouseElf, lyseau, PinkWeezie, and Tangular123