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Potterworld Wiki


Minecraft IGN: Scoobydoolego
At the end of the Revelius Q&A, Flip mentioned that they were working on a Potterworld Wiki for after the Revelius Update to help players. My suggestion, if this is not already planned, is to have the wiki editable by all players, so that it can be completed more quickly. It is very difficult for a fairly small group of people to make a wiki for something so large and complex as post-Revelius Potterworld. Having the entire support of the community would allow it to be put together much faster.

It would require very little oversight from staff. You could have it be in the forums under a subforum called Guides or Wikis. You could even subdivide it into categories such as areas, quests, spells, and other. There is already a report feature on the forums, (and I'm assuming a filter) so there would have to be little moderation. There is already an option to sort by the most liked posts, so people could easily filter through the better tutorials.

Finally, after the wiki has been around for a while, there could be a large search through the forum. Any posts that are outdated, low quality, or duplicates can be removed by staff, leaving only the best tutorials for each aspect of the server. Though it may take a very long time for them to sort through all the posts, it would be much faster than having to create the entire wiki themselves.


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf DD Writer WizNetworker
Greetings Scoobydoolego,

Thanks for suggesting an idea! We are always looking for ideas that benefit the server, and we appreciate you for bringing it forward!

I'll bring your idea forth and we'll discuss whether it can be implemented or not. I'll reply back once we've reached a decision, so make sure to keep an eye out for a response on the thread!


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf DD Writer WizNetworker
Greetings Scoobydoolego,

Once again, thank you for your suggestion! We're always looking for suggestions and feedback that can help us make Potterworld a better place, and we appreciate you bringing your idea forward!

I’ve brought up your idea up with the team and unfortunately, we are declining this suggestion at this time - this is not something that we will be allowing on the wiki. There are current plans to create a rank (similar to the last wiki team) which will allow non-staff members to make contributions on the upcoming site. We feel that letting every player have access to make edits would require a lot of moderation/reviewing. Additionally, the wiki is going to be one of the main sources of information, making it incredibly official and we’d like to make sure that the information on every page is 100% accurate, which is something that we want to make sure that our select team knows how to do. Again, thank you for the suggestion and we hope you submit more ideas in the foreseeable future!

Have a great day,