DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
PotterworldMC PotterworldMC PotterworldMC

PotterworldMC Movie


Notable Magician

I think the title already clearly states my idea. Basically, I think it would be a good idea for the server to make a Potterworld move of the first year at Hogsworth of around one hour long. Two hours seemed a bit long, but I thought a fun movie of around an hour would be a nice thing to watch. This movie would be different than the one from the book, so it's an original movie. I think that this would act as a great promotion for PotterworldMC, as well as an amazing experience for all players.

I'll be breaking my idea down in a few segments:
1. Why?
2. How?
3. Who?

As I mentioned quickly in the Introduction, I think making a Minecraft, Harry Potter themed movie would not only amaze many viewers and would potentially receive many new players to the server, but also be a great experience to many players on the server (not just the staff members, but also the normal, common players). This would also benefit the server because more players mean more money lol.
I also asked if the players would think if it's a good idea that PotterworldMC made a movie for promotion, and I heard no one disagree with the idea (in public chat on the Minecraft server, I do recommend making a poll to make sure more people agree).

How (and a bit who)?
First of all, the server website would include a new application for Writers (maybe around 4), Editors (maybe 6, because editing includes many different roles), and Directors (maybe around 2), for a limited time. Once the story has been written, a few main characters who are very comfortable in speaking should be also selected. I also include normal players (as silent actors just in the background to make the movie look realistic) in the story. The server would pick the best, experienced, and most suitable players for the positions.
The writers:
The selected writers would first come together (via discord for example) to make a general idea of how the movie would be, the directors would also be in the call to maybe make any suggestions or give feedback according to the direction of filming the movie. Once the writers have a general idea, they would all get a week or 3 to come up with approximately 15 minutes of "movie-time". In the first discussion, they would also discuss how they would link up the 4, 15 minutes parts of the movie. They would all come into another meeting, to read, discuss, suggest, give feedback, and improve the written story, the directors should also be included to make sure they give feedback too. Once the writers are done with the complete story, I recommend asking few staff members to rate and give critical feedback on the story too.

The following points I think are the most important to a good, and fun to watch (as this is the most important) movie:
- Detail: the story should include precise detail which makes sure the story is fun to watch
- Camera: If the movie isn't recorded properly in a nice, smooth, and of course high-quality way it would like kinda boogers.
- Actors: The directors should make sure every actor in the movie does the best they can and do exactly as they are told what to do. (actors could also give a suggestion if they don't agree with everything)
- Speech: Make sure the people that are talking in the movie, have a good microphone (I know that some people can't afford it or don't have an amazing microphone, but a feature that is even more important than the visuals, is the quality of speech). The actors/talking people (sorry I don't really know a good term for that) should also be able to comfortably talk.
- Special effects: The effects are responsible for setting the ambiance in the movie.
- Music: Adding music is a critical part as it just makes the movie even more fun to watch, it fills up silent parts, and it shows when there's a lot of action or not.

The directors:
They are responsible for all of the camera work, acting, and special effects.
Camera: The directors should be able to move the camera or tell the cameraman, how to properly film the scene.
Acting: If one of the actors does something wrong or forgets something, the directors would of course make sure that this is resolved.
Special effects including music: Directors should say when a song should be played or when there should be a special effect to set the mood in the scene.

(I already mentioned some critical roles in the How? section too.)
The main characters and side characters in the movie will be selected amongst the applicants.
In a scene that requires many many players (for example when there's a scene in the Great Hall and all students are eating), we should include normal players who are willing to participate in the movie too (they won't talk or do anything major)! This fills the area up and makes it look much more realistic!
The names will, of course, be copy-right free for example, Dumbledore would be Droobledore (or as I prefer it, Professeur Dumblidore). Most of the written characters won't even be based on the movie and book characters because it's an original piece.

The best part about a movie like this is that the developers won't have to do almost anything (Except for setting up another world for filming which won't be ruined by mischievous players!) and maybe some cool effects or objects in-game to make the movie look better). This ensures that the developers can continue what they are working on, and most staff members can also just continue giving their classes and helping the actual server.

I hope this idea will be taken into consideration, and a poll will be made.

I'm not sure if everything is described completely in this thread, so just leave a comment if you have a question! :D
(ps: If you ever need more ideas for the movie, I would be very happy to help!!!)


Notable Magician
Quick add-on:

If the movie ever has a snowy scene, or maybe an autumn-time scene, I heard Pancakes has a very nice texture pack for this! (No it's not PotterworldMC official, and I am not in any way connected to Pancakes - just a suggestion, but nothing official!)

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hiya @JustinS!

Thank you for taking the time and consideration with creating your suggestion, as we always appreciate looking for ways to improve the server and make it fun and fair for everyone! After reviewing this suggestion and discussing it amongst the leadership team, we have decided to respectfully decline it for a couple of reasons.

While we understand that this would be an interesting concept to see happen, this isn’t possible to accomplish due to the amount of manpower it would require. Even with creating specific applications for something like this as you’ve mentioned, this would not be viable. We already have Media members in each of these positions, and it is already difficult as is to get more people to apply for them. Because of this, getting new people is not really possible, unfortunately. With that in mind, we're also unable to have current Media members work on this, as all of our team members have their own positions and responsibilities. Therefore, we wouldn’t want to split their focus between so many things, especially with something as large as this.

Secondly, this would be incredibly difficult to make. To speak on behalf of the Potterwatch Directors, making skits on Minecraft is already difficult, as it demands a lot of time to record & edit. Additionally, there are many limitations with Minecraft which make it difficult to create videos.

Lastly, this is not something we can envision being successful or worth the time & effort. With our YouTube channel, we are still trying to figure out what content is best for our playerbase, and we want to release videos that large groups of people would watch. Based on how skit-like videos performed in the past, they did well because they were on the shorter side of time. The reality is that people want to always get information quickly. With most forms of media, people sometimes skip through or just stop watching/reading unless they are very interested in it. Considering how we are not getting a large number of views on our YT videos despite their relatively short length, an hour-long movie would perform worse, unfortunately.

Regardless of this, we hope that you continue to create more suggestions and share them with us in the near future! Thank you again for making this suggestion, and I hope you have a great day!