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Proposal for Enhancing the Wizard's PE Curriculum: Introducing "Wizard's PE Theory"


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
To the Esteemed Staff Team of PotterworldMC,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. My name is Leyak Alzarin, and I have had the privilege of being an active member of the PotterworldMC community for some time now. The magic, camaraderie, and adventures that the server offers have provided countless hours of joy and immersion. Your team's dedication to crafting a world that so closely mirrors the enchanting universe of Henry Porter is nothing short of remarkable.

Over the course of my journey through PotterworldMC, I've had the opportunity to attend various classes, each offering its unique flavor and learning experience. One class that particularly stands out is Wizard's PE, which, as we all know, revolves around the exhilarating world of Minecraft parkour. While the physical challenges and adrenaline-pumping courses are undeniably engaging, I couldn't help but ponder the potential of introducing a complementary class that delves into the theory behind this magical sport.

Thus, I present to you the concept of "Wizard's PE Theory."

On the Subject of Instructors:

Given that Professor Aviann is the current esteemed instructor for Wizard's PE, it seems only fitting to mention their potential involvement. I believe that Professor Aviann, with their deep understanding and passion for the subject, might find the idea of an additional class related to their specialty appealing. Their expertise would undoubtedly be invaluable in shaping and delivering the "Wizard's PE Theory" curriculum.

The Vision Behind "Wizard's PE Theory":

Parkour, in its essence, is not just about jumping from one block to another; it's an art form, a discipline that requires understanding, strategy, and technique. The "Wizard's PE Theory" class aims to provide players with a comprehensive foundation in these areas.

Expanded Curriculum Ideas:
  1. The Philosophy of Parkour: Delve into the mindset of a parkour practitioner. Understand the balance between risk and reward, the importance of fluidity, and the philosophy of overcoming obstacles, both in the game and in life.
  2. Anatomy of a Jump: Break down the mechanics of different jumps, understanding the nuances of timing, angle, and approach.
  3. Environmental Awareness: Teach players to read the environment, recognizing potential paths, shortcuts, and hazards. This would also include understanding different block types and their effects on parkour.
  4. Advanced Techniques: Beyond the basics, introduce players to more intricate maneuvers, wall runs, momentum conservation, and chaining moves seamlessly.
  5. Parkour Legends and Stories: Share tales of legendary parkour practitioners from both the Wizarding World and real life, drawing parallels and lessons from their experiences.
  6. Interactive Workshops: Organize in-game workshops where players can practice techniques in a controlled environment, receiving feedback from instructors and peers.
  7. The Science Behind Parkour: A touch of real-world physics. How do momentum, gravity, and friction play a role in successful parkour?
By integrating "Wizard's PE Theory" into our curriculum, we can cater to a broader audience. While some players thrive on the thrill of the chase, others might find joy in understanding the intricacies behind each move, strategizing their next course, or simply appreciating the art form that is parkour.

I envision this class not just as a standalone offering but as a stepping stone, a rite of passage for those who wish to master the advanced parkour challenges that PotterworldMC presents. With a solid theoretical foundation, players can approach these challenges with confidence, skill, and a deeper appreciation for the sport.

In closing, I believe that "Wizard's PE Theory" has the potential to become a cornerstone of the PotterworldMC educational experience. I am more than willing to collaborate, provide feedback, or assist in any capacity to see this vision come to life.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I eagerly await your thoughts and feedback on this proposal.

With the highest regards,
Leyak Alzarin, Parkour Enthusiast

TL;DR: I'm proposing a new class called "Wizard's PE Theory" for PotterworldMC. This class will teach the theory behind parkour, offering players a deeper understanding of the art. Given Professor Aviann's expertise as the current Wizard's PE instructor, they might find this additional class related to their specialty appealing. The goal is to provide both novice and experienced players with a holistic parkour experience.

OZZ MADE AN AWESOME REPLY I LOVE THIS IDEA, OZZ SAID "You could have a class like the Arena's Flying practice session. A Parkour training session where you go over techniques. Maybe invite people that consistently finish courses to give some info too. " THATS CRAZY, THIS IS A PART OF THE OFFICIAL POST NOW
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Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
it's an art form
Chill Leyak
The Philosophy of Parkour
We don't need more philosophers, they should've been left in ancient Greece.
Anatomy of a Jump
No, anatomy can only give you traumas.
Advanced Techniques
I like this 😍
Parkour Legends and Stories
So you want them to have classes about you basically
Interactive Workshops
Ooo fun! Good idea
The Science Behind Parkour
Off topic but I just want to say that my high school physics teacher tried to break Newton's laws 😂
I think wiz pe is fine as it is right now, but some form of interactiveness and learning techniques would be good too


Minecraft IGN: GreatLordOz
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Linked Faerie
You could have a class like the Arena's Flying practice session. A Parkour training session where you go over techniques. Maybe invite people that consistently finish courses to give some info too.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor DD Producer Linked Faerie
Hello @LiviDk ,

Thank you for taking the time to leave this suggestion. Unfortunately, we will not be adding a subject to teach Wizard’s PE theory. We don’t think there will be too many topics that we can teach under this class, and not all professors may be able to demonstrate said parkour skills. However, we are looking at alternative ways to offer practice jumps/parkour skills, which we hope to release in the near future!

Nevertheless, thank you again, and have a wonderful day!