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Propulso, Ventimus, Flipellius, and Accersio


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
These 4 spells has been on my mind lately so I might as well share it to the whole wizarding world:
I think you should cast on other people outside of hogsworth in the world but it will still apply's that your not going to be able to push people in city's/town's to not abuse it, And these 4 spells can be very useful to save someone's life by pushing them out of the way if there about to take big damage they might take a little dmg but it's better than taking tons of damage from an npc and mob, or if they know how to do resistomentum at level 9 then would hardly take damage or make that you can push them out the way but the spells don't hurt them in the world but only hurt them in dueling class, the and 1v1 arena, tournaments, and the dueling halls. It can help save a life if someone about to take tons of damage and you don't want them to die because there no revive spell in the game yet and Accersio spell can help people get unstuck if there Ascendio didn't go according to plan or pull them closer to you and away from enemy's and you keep them safe by you or healing them real quick to prevent someone from dying to a mob.


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
Or do the same thing from housing you can cast the spells but it doesn't hurt them since pvp is off because pvp is always off outside in the world it wouldn't really hurt anybody at all just by casting spells at a person.


Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Your intentions seem good, but having crowd control spells enabled in the open world could also allow us players to troll each other. I know I'd love the opportunity to throw people around.


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
True and also forgot to mention it can also help with the protello, protellomo and protellum shields when they are cooldown plus it's a fun spell to use on other people! XD


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Heya @Tuna2,

Once again, thank you for all the ideas you give us on these forums!

Unfortunately, we will be declining this suggestion because we do not believe the negatives outweigh the positives. While these spells might be fun to use on others and potentially have the ability to help out others, we believe they would be used mainly to troll, annoy and pester other players. This creates a negative atmosphere we would rather avoid on our server.

We hope you can understand our reasoning and wish you a wonderful rest of your day!