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Put Description of Role in All Applications


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf DD Writer WizNetworker
Greetings Scoobydoolego,

Thanks for suggesting an idea! We are always looking for ideas that benefit the server, and we appreciate you for bring it forward!

I'll bring your idea forth and we'll discuss whether it can be implemented or not. I'll reply back once we've reached a decision, so make sure to keep an eye out for a response on the thread!


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf DD Writer WizNetworker
Howdy, @Scoobydoolego!

Thank you for making this suggestion - I apologize for the amount of time that it took for a decision to be made. I appreciate you for taking the time to bring this idea forward in hopes of making the application process smoother, and I hope that you continue to submit more ideas in the future!

I’ve brought up your suggestion to the rest of the staff team, and we think that it would be an excellent idea to add rank descriptions to all of the applications. We are currently in the process of making sure that the application process for all ranks is more consistent, and we hope that players are able to understand what each rank does in terms of responsibilities/requirements. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to bring this forth!

Have a great day,