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PVE Suggestions


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Phuizour
Hello fellow Wizards & Witches oh and also Muggles.

For my first post and as a new player that recognizes that feedback for the server staff is always welcomed i would like to add a few suggestions for the community to take into consideration.

  1. The first suggestion I came up with and have seen on other PVE servers was a party highlight function, which basically would mean say I decided to add John Doe to my party when he accepts it a command is run that allows the specific party members to be highlighted in say a Green color. Here is a command I saw on reddit which I think maybe a good command in this case when you work around the other plugins. (/scoreboard teams option team_name teamGlowVisibility team_to_see)
  2. 2nd suggestion is also along the lines of shared party xp, obviously this can be abused so it would need the whole staff to brain storm or take ideas from other AAA games but IMO I think even 1/4 of the xp that you would usually get for shared xp would be awesome.
  3. 3rd suggestion and probably the one that I am very eager for the staff to implement is a fast travel system, although the castle is nice and pretty and probably took awhile to build the amount of hassle I and a few other friends have had to locate certain areas on the map is insane! to the point it's taken over an hour and I just decided to go to bed. There are a number of ways I have thought of combating this issue but the main "solution" that i came up with actually comes from a unknown game by the name of World of Warcraft in which when you get a quest you get a "Warp token" to "fast travel" you to the guest locations which would have infinite uses throughout the quest as well as disappear at the end of it. There is also an alternative option if you feel like the warp function is or would be too over powered and that's have a way point on a heads up display pointing you where to go, now although this would take quite a bit of effort to path the routes I personally think that in the long term it would be worth it.
  4. 4th and final suggestion would be to make or develop some sort of instant discount shop that allows players to Instantly sell any or certain items for say 1/3 the price or something because I have only been playing for say 8 or so hours and have already accumulated an entire inventories worth of items that I tried to sell in the shop (cheaper) but they weren't sold so I withdrew them.

Although I understand everyone has different thoughts and ideas on how to improve the server I really hope that although some or all of these ideas may of been suggested already you would take the time to discuss a work around for these 4 suggestions as they are major issues that I have experienced during the little time i have played.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
In response to ideas 3 and 4:

There is technically a fast travel system in order to reach towns once you have discovered them for the first time. This is the fireplace travel, though you need to either purchase firedust with your in game gold, or find firedust in hidden chests around the map (which in case you didnt' know, can also give you gear, materials and gold) You can also set a warp point with your warpkey bag (and a second if you purchase it in game) as well as always having your hogwarts warp point.

There used to be a much easier way of travel, but this was changed with the Revelius update around a year ago now, as the server wished to be focused more on exploration of the world. Once you have a good broom (takes some grinding and a lot of gold admittedly) travel is also a lot easier between locations as ofc, you're going to be going much faster than walking or on a low-level broom.

As for a waypoint or heads up display, there is the compass that will point you in the direction of the destination you wish to get to, there is also the map here on the PW site that you can use to navigate.

And as for point 4 - try finding the vendors around the map, you can sell materials and gear there for a little bit of gold!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hiya @Phuizour!

Thank you for taking the time and consideration with creating your suggestion! We’re always looking for ways to improve the server and making it fun and fair for everyone, so hearing your suggestions and feedback is always great!

Regarding your suggestion about having a fast travel system, we have one already, as well as a few other ways to navigate around the map which Sirje_Wildmoon has mentioned. The Fire Dust Network is our main travel system, but in order to travel to a certain place, you have to unlock it by finding the town first and then having the required amount of Fire Dust to travel there. You can also use the Potterworld Map if you get lost, which you can find here. Additionally, you can use a Warpkey Bag to set a warp in a town, but to balance this, there’s a 7-minute cooldown after using it. As for navigating Hogsworth, you can use the Enchanted Compass, which you can obtain by doing /me in-game, and it will direct you to a couple of areas throughout the castle.

Regarding the other suggestions you've created, I’ll bring them up to the rest of the Poltergeist team, and from there, we’ll go into further discussion. Once the leadership team comes to a decision, I’ll return with a response as soon as possible, so keep an eye out on this thread!

Thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Notable Magician
say I decided to add John Doe to my party when he accepts it a command is run tha
Hello fellow Wizards & Witches oh and also Muggles.

For my first post and as a new player that recognizes that feedback for the server staff is always welcomed i would like to add a few suggestions for the community to take into consideration.

  1. The first suggestion I came up with and have seen on other PVE servers was a party highlight function, which basically would mean say I decided to add John Doe to my party when he accepts it a command is run that allows the specific party members to be highlighted in say a Green color. Here is a command I saw on reddit which I think maybe a good command in this case when you work around the other plugins. (/scoreboard teams option team_name teamGlowVisibility team_to_see)
  2. 2nd suggestion is also along the lines of shared party xp, obviously this can be abused so it would need the whole staff to brain storm or take ideas from other AAA games but IMO I think even 1/4 of the xp that you would usually get for shared xp would be awesome.
  3. 3rd suggestion and probably the one that I am very eager for the staff to implement is a fast travel system, although the castle is nice and pretty and probably took awhile to build the amount of hassle I and a few other friends have had to locate certain areas on the map is insane! to the point it's taken over an hour and I just decided to go to bed. There are a number of ways I have thought of combating this issue but the main "solution" that i came up with actually comes from a unknown game by the name of World of Warcraft in which when you get a quest you get a "Warp token" to "fast travel" you to the guest locations which would have infinite uses throughout the quest as well as disappear at the end of it. There is also an alternative option if you feel like the warp function is or would be too over powered and that's have a way point on a heads up display pointing you where to go, now although this would take quite a bit of effort to path the routes I personally think that in the long term it would be worth it.
  4. 4th and final suggestion would be to make or develop some sort of instant discount shop that allows players to Instantly sell any or certain items for say 1/3 the price or something because I have only been playing for say 8 or so hours and have already accumulated an entire inventories worth of items that I tried to sell in the shop (cheaper) but they weren't sold so I withdrew them.

Although I understand everyone has different thoughts and ideas on how to improve the server I really hope that although some or all of these ideas may of been suggested already you would take the time to discuss a work around for these 4 suggestions as they are major issues that I have experienced during the little time i have played.
For Suggestion 4, one inventory with different materials isn't a lot. There are many many mobs and plants which give you inventories full of materials. It also takes quite a while for an item to be sold as there are a lot of shops. You can also promote your shop just by saying you sell cheap items in the trade chat. Also, make sure you have a shop NPC set up in your /housing.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
3rd suggestion and probably the one that I am very eager for the staff to implement is a fast travel system,
Yeah, currently the travel system is "locked behind" year 4. Would be nice to see more options for lower years that could perhaps be available for lower years only to keep things balanced, because as of right now, you have to grind your way through the game in order to travel, which is very not fun.


Notable Magician
Yeah, currently the travel system is "locked behind" year 4. Would be nice to see more options for lower years that could perhaps be available for lower years only to keep things balanced, because as of right now, you have to grind your way through the game in order to travel, which is very not fun.
I think a better way for doing this is by adding more small portkeys unlocked by quests. In the quest with Lana "Lovegood" or something like that, I unlocked a feather that teleports me from Diagonal lane all the way close to tristmoor. Which I use quite a lot and Is a very nice feature in my opinion.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hello @Phuizour!

Apologies for the long wait and thank you again for making these suggestions! I'd like to inform you that most of the suggestions made have been declined. However, the suggestion regarding highlighting party members is something we have accepted since we believe it would be a good QoL addition. Additionally, it has a couple of practical uses when exploring and travelling together, and potentially duelling. For now, we will look into finding some ways to allow others to glow, and possibly even customise the glow for others out of a party.

For the second suggestion, while we understand the use and convenience of this suggestion, we would have to make sure that lower-levelled players do not gain excessive amounts of XP by being partied with higher-levelled players. Because of this, we would need to determine and implement a balance to diminish XP based on level. Even though adding this type of system would be fun, it would take a lot of effort to implement, and at this time, it isn't a high priority for our Game Design and Development teams, unfortunately.

As for the last suggestion, we have decided to decline it as well. As mentioned in the thread, a solution to this is the Vendor, which currently exists so that players can sell items like materials or mob drops, and they can be sold almost immediately. Also, although adding a "Discount Shop" would be a nice addition, it would severely overlap the use of the Vendor.

We hope that you understand these decisions! If you have any other suggestions or feedback, we highly encourage you to create a thread and share it with us! Thank you again and have a good day!