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QOL Improvement Suggestion for Credits Trader

How much AC do you currently have?

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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: DropTheMike_
Auralock Dark Follower Raven Linked
Hey guys! For those of you reading this, I hope your day/night is going well :)

I’m sure most if not all of you have experience using the Credits Trader feature to trade your Academic Credits for either gold or XP after going to classes. With that in mind, I’d like to make a suggestion that would make it far more convenient for people to trade in their credits for alternative forms of in-game currency. For some context into my specific situation, I have just over two thousand AC that I would like to convert into gold. Unfortunately, the conversion process isn’t exactly expeditious for either myself or others with large amounts of AC considering the relatively low transaction limit of 10 AC. Assuming that each conversion could be completed within 2-3 seconds, my 2k AC could take anywhere between 7-10 minutes to be fully liquidated. This time could very much be better spent enjoying the rich gameplay and content Potterworld has to offer, and I’m sure I have a lot to capitalize on to that end having just come back from a break of almost a year.

For anyone who may be interested in hypotheticals and my thought process (feel free to skip this paragraph if you are not): if we were to compute the time it would take for all of the AC in circulation to be converted, given that figure is approximately 1.55 million, it would take about 37 days (or just over five weeks nonstop) for a single person to redeem it all. If all 307k people who have ever been sorted were to log on and redeem all of their AC at once, it would be a matter of seconds (though of course server load would make this entirely impossible and the amount of people with a non-zero AC balance is almost certainly appreciably less than that, not to mention the actual distribution of AC is far more uneven and sparse than the imperfect assumptions I made in these calculations). [formula: ((TOTAL AC/PPL)/((DENOM)*(SECS/TRADE))/TIME)]

That said, I would like to make my proposal. For those of you who have used the mail feature, the implementation I’ve conceptualized for this Credit Trader improvement should come across quite intuitively. To institute the QOL improvement I have in mind, my suggestion boils down to having a fourth option amongst the default choices to select a custom amount of AC for transference. Upon selecting this fourth option, the player would be prompted to enter an amount of Academic Credits in chat either less than or equal to their balance, and that amount would be scaled according to the proper conversion rate for whatever in-game currency they choose to receive, with the resulting number being plugged into the command executed by console to replace AC. Such a system would presumably implement some form of input validation that sanitizes non-numeric characters and checks the value against your AC balance to ensure the input exceeds zero, is a whole number, and is either less than or equal to your balance. Assuming that measure of validation is feasible from a developmental standpoint and incorporable in the trader interface, it is my belief that this would drastically improve the convenience of credit trading for not just myself, but everyone else using the system to redeem their AC en masse. If there isn't any way of validating numeric inputs to plug into the command, I would instead suggest adding the option to transfer higher denominations of AC (50, 100, 1k, etc). Even my alternative proposal would increase the efficacy of credit conversion by a factor of X/10 where X = new highest denomination and 10 = current highest denomination. For those of us with thousands of AC, this brings the potential to speed up the overall conversion process by several minutes.

Though I can’t imagine this will be totally representative of Potterworld’s playerbase, I’ve created and attached a poll as a (crude) metric to show how the community could benefit from instituting this option into the Credit Trader.

Thank you for reading and considering my suggestion, and I look forward to seeing any and all feedback you may have for me on this!

TLDR: Adding the option to either enter a custom amount of AC to be converted or giving us the ability to select higher denominations for conversion would make using the Credit Trader vastly more efficient.
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Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
In the Pride Event, the Pride Tokens Exchange NPC has a new option which is the Bulk Pride Tokens Exchange. This is my first time seeing it on this type of NPC for an event. I'm wondering if they can apply what they did there with what you're suggesting for ACs?
If that isn't possible, then I think it might be easier to create extra options based on your other suggestion
I would instead suggest adding the option to transfer higher denominations of AC (50, 100, 1k, etc).
- 50, 100, and 500 should seem fine.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: DropTheMike_
Auralock Dark Follower Raven Linked
In the Pride Event, the Pride Tokens Exchange NPC has a new option which is the Bulk Pride Tokens Exchange. This is my first time seeing it on this type of NPC for an event. I'm wondering if they can apply what they did there with what you're suggesting for ACs?
If that isn't possible, then I think it might be easier to create extra options based on your other suggestion - 50, 100, and 500 should seem fine.
Thanks for bringing that up! This is a point that was actually brought to my attention by one of the groundskeepers (Wildsam iirc) when I was looking into ways it could be implemented. Based on what I’ve heard from multiple sources, both bulk trading and increased denominations should be fully feasible within the bounds of PW’s tech. That said, I’m unsure about whether my original idea of specifying the amount of AC to convert in chat could be implemented without exploring a programatic solution (albeit one that could likely be fulfilled with a few lines of code that would mostly boil down to input validation). Regardless of how (and if) such a modification may be delivered by Potterworld staff, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say both of our propositions would go leaps and bounds in making the trading functionality more convenient.
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Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hi there @Mike and everyone else that replied!

Thank you so much for this suggestion! We love seeing players coming forward with new suggestions on improving the server. I’ll be bringing up this suggestion to the Poltergeist team so we can talk about it. I’ll come back once a decision is made to let you know what was decided, so make sure to watch this thread!

Thank you once again for the suggestion and I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello there @Mike and others that contributed to the thread!

I'm happy to inform you that this suggestion has been accepted! We like the idea of making it easier for players to trade in AC in more convenient amounts for those who have a lot of the currency. We are not sure yet which form we will be doing this in yet, but it will more likely be adding higher set amounts for players to use.

Again, thank you for the suggestion and I hope you have a lovely day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings @Mike !

This suggestion is now completed as we implemented the addition! We hope you enjoy the changes that were made!

I hope you have a magical day!