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Quabble Field Shortcut


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Sinelius
Since the Quabble field doesn't really have a shortcut and it is a needed location for a quest early on, I suggest it be implemented as it can potentially be beneficial for newcomers as well as older players wanting to get there quicker.

Location of shortcut:
Coords: XYZ: 3271 43 2604

You would cast revelius on the water and a passage would open up teleporting you to the castle (somewhere wherever is decided the other end should be).
Cheers 😊


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
Hey there @Sinelius!

Thank you very much for bringing your suggestion to Potterworld! We are always looking for ways to improve our server so we are really appreciative of your idea!

I will now bring your suggestion to the rest of the Poltergeist team to get additional feedback on if we should implement this idea or not as soon as possible. We will get back to you with a response to our decision when it is made. So keep an eye out for any notifications regarding this forum!

I hope you have a magical day, take care! <3

Best regards,


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
Good day @Sinelius!

Once again thank you for bringing your suggestion to Potterworld! As we are always on the lookout to improve our server, your feedback is much appreciated!

I have brought your idea to the team, unfortunately we have made the conclusion to decline your suggestion at this time. Currently, this isn't in the vision the Unspeakable team has. However, they may look into a possible temporary consumable warp for this; but there is no ETA or anything set in stone for this.

Regardless, we are really appreciative of you sending your suggestion as it gives a new outlook to what players may like in the future. Take good care of yourself! <3

Kind wishes,