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[Quabbleball] Amazing Last Second Tie [22 April 2022]


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf

Amazing game of PotterworldMC Quabbleball. The Searchers, d3ssert and SergioVDM, keeping the scores balanced with the Passers from both teams helping out. The last second tie came from Jinx_L from Red Team ending the game at 140-140.
There's a cool Bruiser knock and sweep action between each team at 03:45

Green Team
d3ssert [Searcher]
Inspiratieloos_ [Passer]
egg_AV [Passer]
BlackZenon_20 [Bruiser]
William_Weasley [Bruiser]

Red Team
SergioVDM [Searcher]
Jinx_L [Passer]
Psycho [Bruiser]
[sargent980 [Bruiser]
Roku_Drakonhart [Defender]