Quabbleball players have the hardest playing conditions.
Bring back the 40 and 20 gold rewards!
- They get chased around by players who try to steal things from them!
- Then they get chased around by others who like to knock them off and throw things at them for no reason!
- They have to squint their eyes hoping to find the smallest thing in the world whizzing around in a bizarre way!
- They have to block three goals from players because someone thought that one goal just wasn't enough!
- Sometimes they all fly into each other which becomes very disorienting!
- Most of the time they fly into the goals or the field's barrier walls that trap them in!
- They don't know even know where this quabbleball will drop or where it really comes from!
- They have to figure out how to fly whilst holding a quabbleball, bat, or glove, and hope that they can aim!
- They have to go through all of this for FIVE looooooooong minutes! That's just madness!
- All of this and they end up getting a paltry amount of 10 gold if they lose or a pitiful 20 gold if they manage to win!
Bring back the 40 and 20 gold rewards!