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Quabbleball | Frebii's ultimate QB Tournament suggestion


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW
First of all this is a reminder for this:


TLDR: A QB Leaderboard Tournament suggestion, which has been accepted for over a year.
This is a great way to have an official QB Tournament by the server without needing new tech for QB Classes or Challenges.


Now back to my custom QB Tourney suggestion.
I honestly I think it's a really great idea to have 1 day in the week / or a few hours on 1 day in a week, (arguably Sunday, maybe Saturday), where we change Random Teams back to Custom Teams (note that this day / these hours would NOT effect the Leaderboard as a way to prevent Leaderboard boosting :ainsleyharriot: )

The urge to make custom player tournaments IS THERE the playerbase is VERY MOTIVATED FOR THAT (it would also be a healthy boost for the playerbase overall I'm 99% sure new players would join QB just to be able to help out friends in competing for Tourneys, which also leads to them practicing in normal Quabbleball queues), so just so you know that this is not a pointless change whatsoever.

Good time suggestions could be:
6-9pm CEST for EU, ASIA, and NA


Open for feedback and suggestions.
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Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Lead
Hi @Frebii

We really see how players want QB tournaments back, and we have utilised elements of this suggestion for Quabbleball tournaments! The last weekend of each month will be dedicated towards a tournament. We will not be enabling custom teams, but think that this will still be an engaging way of hosting tournaments. We have recently held our first tournament and acknowledge that there is a way to improve, and would like to consider adjusting our tournament formula so that there is less weight for those who have only played a few games. While we won't be enabling custom teams, we hope that our future tournaments will be even better!