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QuabbleBall Lessons


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: _Grey_W0lf_
Honeybadger Auralock Werewolf
Hello PotterWorld Staff

I had the idea for a QuabbleBall lesson. I think that a lot of people would like that, and that way you guys can include yet.another aspect for the Hous Cup Points. I think that there should be games for points, trainingmatches between houses and a real Tournament.
You can ask me for more information via Discord: '_Grey_W0lf_#7961'.

- _Grey_W0lf_


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
Hello @_Grey_W0lf_,

Thank you for taking the time to bring up your ideas to us. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been discussed in the past and as such is a duplicate of various threads, most recently the one here.
While we like these ideas, they'd require an insane amount of effort and rework of certain tech, which makes them very difficult to implement and we'd rather prioritize other things. Essentially, the same difficulties mentioned for tournaments also apply for your ideas, as they are all based on the same concept.
Feel free to check out the linked thread for a more detailed explanation.

Take care and enjoy your day!