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[Quabbleball] Make Searcher Slower


Minecraft IGN: laelouch
Dark Follower Serpent Linked
can u like play searcher fully for a day or two and come back to me with actual info on how its the least stressful position and needs a nerf


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
can u like play searcher fully for a day or two and come back to me with actual info on how its the least stressful position and needs a nerf
You probably played that position more than I have so I think you're in the better position to give input on that. Though from my experience on being Searcher - I'm casually flying looking for and losing the swippet most of the time and really unaware of the other players and what they are doing. Compared to Bruiser, Passer, Defender (in that order of most likely played) these three positions can be stressful especially when you're going against multiple players, who can be good or bad, trying to aim at a passer or goal, evade a bruiser or passer, block a goal or steal a quabble. The Bruiser-Passer-Defender dynamic is more intense than Searcher alone.


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
You probably played that position more than I have so I think you're in the better position to give input on that. Though from my experience on being Searcher - I'm casually flying looking for and losing the swippet most of the time and really unaware of the other players and what they are doing. Compared to Bruiser, Passer, Defender (in that order of most likely played) these three positions can be stressful especially when you're going against multiple players, who can be good or bad, trying to aim at a passer or goal, evade a bruiser or passer, block a goal or steal a quabble. The Bruiser-Passer-Defender dynamic is more intense than Searcher alone.

personally when I search I try and stay aware of the other searcher and bruisers. Back when searcher could body block shots, I felt much more involved in the game because id be tracking the quabble as well as the snidget.


Minecraft IGN: laelouch
Dark Follower Serpent Linked
if ur going to ask to nerf something you rarely/never play, try searcher and actually make a attempt to try it out bcus ive literally never seen u play searcher once


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
if ur going to ask to nerf something you rarely/never play, try searcher and try not to be lazy at it and actually make a attempt to try it out bcus ive literally never seen u play searcher once
Just because you haven't seen me play Searcher doesn't mean that I haven't played the position before - plus, you always main Searcher so I'd have to go Passer-Bruiser to hopefully get a win against you. And I feel like you haven't really fully understood my original post - I initially talked about Bruisers being able to aim at Searchers easily by making the Searchers slower which eventually evolved to how the Searcher position isn't as affected much by the other QB Positions through previous discussions.

so bs, i have gotten hit by bruisers multiple times such as nadine and renee.
homie you cannot be serious the main issue you had that searcher was too fast to be hit by bruisers and now your saying u want them to make it faster?? everybody is fine with searcher how it is except you, searcher is fine just buff passer or def[
can u like play searcher fully for a day or two and come back to me with actual info on how its the least stressful position and needs a nerf
And to highlight your previous comments - What did I do to you? This is nothing more than a suggestion to get Searchers on the same playing field as the other positions and make it so that Bruisers can easily target them. I mean, I know that you main Searcher, but nowhere in my original post were you ever directly mentioned. I have yet to see a proper opposing idea or suggestion from you - a simple "Nah, I don't like this idea and I think Searcher shouldn't be changed." would have sufficed, but it seems like you have made contemptuous remarks toward me. I didn't think that you would be so titled by a mere suggestion that would likely get Declined anyway.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings, @Somnambulist !

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. In the process of our Quabbleball Beta Testing, we came to the conclusion with the testers that this was not a necessary change to make. In addition, in unison with some other changes we made to other positions, we decided to make the searcher's broom slightly faster, as we felt this was more needed. This is live with the most recent Quabbleball patch.

Regardless, thank you for making the suggestion and I hope you have a wonderful day!