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Quableball Tournament


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Keiga_Spellman
I dont know if it was answered yet but here's my suggestion

every house compete between them to decide who's going to participate in the tournament
someone set dates for tournaments
if a player doesnt show up that team can ask someone else , if no one shows the other team wins
the winner at the final gets some housepoints not much, its just for us to enjoy


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Keiga_Spellman
i dont think people made it that interesting thats the problem, if we had those kind of tournments we could even like stream them so people could watch in time and like make them last a bit longer so that the finals take a while to come , i have it all planed , was thinking of it yesterday, i would say its popular but people dont want to wait for 8 players to join therefore they pick the other ones


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Keiga_Spellman
im gonna write here how it goes : 4 teams (S-H-G-R)

Every month 3 games so lets imagine :

1st month :
R vs G - winner R
H vs S - winner S
R vs S - winner R

2nd month
R - H - winner H
G - H - winner G
G - S - winner S

then we picked the 2 that won the most against each other
3rd month : SEMI FINALS
R - S - winner S
G - H - winner H

4th month : FINALS
S vs H

thats an example , then someone could stream it on youtube or twitch tiktok idk
maybe we could make quableball more interesting


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Good day @KeigA!

Thank you for bringing your suggestion forward to the threads! As we are always on the lookout for new ways to improve our server, your feedback is much appreciated!

While we like your suggestion and the detail you provided, this has actually been previously suggested before! That suggestion can be seen here. Sadly, it was declined due to the factors that due to our limitation in such technologies required, this won't be possible.

One thing to note! Similar to your suggestion, we are looking into doing a leaderboard competition in the future! This thread suggesting a LB competition can be seen here, it is currently on hold; thus will be seen in the future times! There is no ETA for when it will be coming however.

Regardless that your suggestion is duplicated, we really appreciate you bringing your voice forward! It shows to us that more people would be interested and therefore would be good to think of in the future when we have better tech that could aid in something like this. Take good care of yourself! <3

Kind wishes,