Very quick suggestion from me. I've recently not been playing too much but if I was ever online, I was solving a daily riddle. I noticed that the cooldown is now 24 hours, whereas prior to the Revelius update, it was 23 hours and 30 minutes. Personally I much prefer the latter as it means that if I forget daily riddle on a day and do it later in the evening/night, I can "work my way back" to the time that I would be doing the daily riddle rather than having to stay up late every day or skipping a day altogether.
So yeah, I'm suggesting to change the daily riddle cooldown 24h -> 23h30m, back to how it was.
Very quick suggestion from me. I've recently not been playing too much but if I was ever online, I was solving a daily riddle. I noticed that the cooldown is now 24 hours, whereas prior to the Revelius update, it was 23 hours and 30 minutes. Personally I much prefer the latter as it means that if I forget daily riddle on a day and do it later in the evening/night, I can "work my way back" to the time that I would be doing the daily riddle rather than having to stay up late every day or skipping a day altogether.
So yeah, I'm suggesting to change the daily riddle cooldown 24h -> 23h30m, back to how it was.