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Reduce Daily Riddle Cooldown by 30 minutes


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW

Very quick suggestion from me. I've recently not been playing too much but if I was ever online, I was solving a daily riddle. I noticed that the cooldown is now 24 hours, whereas prior to the Revelius update, it was 23 hours and 30 minutes. Personally I much prefer the latter as it means that if I forget daily riddle on a day and do it later in the evening/night, I can "work my way back" to the time that I would be doing the daily riddle rather than having to stay up late every day or skipping a day altogether.

So yeah, I'm suggesting to change the daily riddle cooldown 24h -> 23h30m, back to how it was.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: FLiiiPENDO
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix VIP Linked
Due to the new method of giving riddles, we cannot reduce the cooldown without reducing the expiry time on each riddle. The new method gives you the highest level riddle you can complete, so if you try to get a new riddle before the current riddle is expired, sometimes (all the time for the current riddles) you will not get anything and the cooldown will still be active.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello @nathan1e,
As Flip has already stated, this is not possible to do without reducing the expiry time on each riddle as well because it would not work with the new riddle system. This would defeat the purpose of it being a daily riddle, as in you have a full day to solve it. Therefore, I will be marking this suggestion as declined.
Thank you for bringing this up to us and we look forward to any future suggestions you may make!
Hope you have a wonderful day!