DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Reinstatement Protocol


This reinstatement protocol hopes to achieve the following outcome:
  • We don’t waste people’s time and potential that they could bring to the server. We need good workers, and if a person used to be a Team Member, it means in one way or the other, they’ve been useful.
NB! It should be noted that ex-Team Members will still be held to the requirements for each position unless specified otherwise; eg. activity and behaviour



Team Specific




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Academics Deparment

If the former Team Member has never been in the Academics Department:

  • Required to apply for Class Helper.
  • Individual to be treated like a normal player applying, however with extra emphasis placed on feedback from their previous Team Members with regards to reputation and work ethic. If accepted they are to work their way up as any other player, with the possibility of fast-tracking.

If the former Team Member was within the Academics Department before:

  • Required to apply for Class Helper.
  • Will often be accepted back to the team, unless there are recent rule-breaking infractions or they have been completely inactive on the server for a significant period of time.
  • Terms on which they left the team will also be considered but we will try our best to give second chances wherever it seems fit.
  • Upon being accepted, the person may be fast-tracked EITHER to their previous rank OR to a lower rank than prior if they prefer.
    • Example; an ex-staff member who used to be a Jr Professor could only be fast-tracked to Jr Professor, whereas an ex-staff member who used to be a Sr Professor could choose Jr or Sr Professor.
This fast-tracking would provide some time for the person to get to know the department, Class Helpers in particular, and to submit lesson plans to the Head, Assistant or Academics Leads (where relevant). Once completed, the individual may be promoted one rank at a time at an increased pace.
  • Fast-tracking stops at Sr Professor - anyone who used to be an Academics Lead, Assistant to Head or Head of Academics can only be fast-tracked as far as Sr Professor. This allows equal opportunities for leadership and ensures those in leadership roles have recent experience within the department and with its members
Note: Fast-tracking does not mean an immediate reinstatement to your previous position. It merely means that you will progress in the department at a quicker rate than others. Additionally, fast-tracking is not guaranteed under any circumstances and is up to the discretion of Academics leadership. Fast-tracking will most likely not be an option if any of these conditions are met:
  • Major changes to the department since the individual left the team;
  • The individual left the team more than one year ago.

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Build Department

If the former Team Member has never been in the Build Department:

  • Apply for Builder as any other player would.

If the former Team Member has been part of the Build Department previously:

  • There is potential to be reinstated back into the team without a build test on the conditions of:
    • They complete the reinstatement application to the best of their ability;
    • We do not have any building-, behaviour-, or activity-related concerns.

The former Team Member must undergo a build test if:

  • The reinstatement application has been completed and we are not quite confident in the applicant's building ability

The former Team Member will be asked to complete a normal builder application if:

  • The Build Department Leadership Team are not confident in the applicant's building abilities;
  • There is concern about the former Team Member's activity or behaviour on the server;
  • The former Team Member had previously only been a Team Member at any level for a short period of time;
  • The former Team Member left on bad terms.

Note: The rank the former Team Member is reinstated will be determined by the Build Department Leadership Team as to where they feel the former Team Member will fit best based on their ability, activity, and behaviour.

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Community Management Deparment
Due to the format of the Department of Community Management and its many teams/roles, the reinstatement is broken down as follows:

Sub-Department: Moderation

If the former Team Member left the Discord Moderator and/or Wizencouncil position(s):

We do not currently offer any form of reinstatement for these ranks. You may only reapply once you are on the Staff Team, not Team Member, as these positions are staff-only.

If the former Team Member left the Junior Prefect position:

Fast-tracking can be applied if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The former Team Member left less than 12 months ago

If the former Team Member left the Prefect position:

Reinstatement can only occur in the following circumstances:

  • You left the team more than 18 months ago, this will reinstate you to the Junior Prefect position with the opportunity to be fast-tracked (provided that the Moderation Leadership Team and Community Management Head feels that you have a solid understanding of the role and current protocol), however fast-tracking isn't guaranteed in this position.
  • You left the team less than 18 months ago but more than 12 months ago, this will reinstate you to Junior Prefect but in a fast-tracked state.
  • You left the team less than 12 months ago, this will reinstate you to Prefect.

If the former Team Member left the Senior Prefect position:

Reinstatement can only occur in the following circumstances:

  • You left the team more than 24 months ago, this will reinstate you to the Junior Prefect position with the opportunity to be fast-tracked (provided that the Moderation Leadership Team and Community Management Head feels that you have a solid understanding of the role and current protocol), however fast-tracking isn't guaranteed in this position.
  • You left the team less than 24 months ago but more than 12 months ago, this will reinstate you to Prefect but with no fast-tracking.
  • You left the team less than 12 months ago, this will reinstate you to Prefect but in a fast-tracked state.

If the former Team Member left the Scribe Intern position:

You must reapply for Scribe Intern as any other non-Team Member would. If you left the team less than 12 months ago, you will undergo special consideration where the Scribe Leadership Team and Community Management Head will review your behaviour whilst you were on the team and before leaving the team amongst other things. Most of the time you will be re-accepted into the team.

If the former Team Member left the Scribe Publisher position:

You must reapply for Scribe Intern as any other non-Team Member would. If you left the team less than 12 months ago, you will undergo special consideration where the Scribe Leadership Team and Community Management Head will review your behaviour whilst you were on the team and after leaving the team amongst other things. Most of the time you will be re-accepted into the team.
Fast-tracking may also be offered depending on how long you held the Scribe Publisher position. This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Scribe Leadership Team and Community Management Head.

A player must have left on good terms in order for this reinstatement protocol to be activated regardless of the previously held position. Players that left on bad terms will have to apply and move up the ranks as a regular staff member until the trust has been completely re-earned. Once re-earned, fast-tracking can be considered, but is not certain and should not be expected.
A player must be comfortable with being reinstated and can state that they do not want to be reinstated if they wish so.
The final Reinstatement Protocol decision is down to the Sub-Department Leadership Team and Community Management Head. All factors of previous staff history will be taken into consideration before a decision is made.

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Game Design Department

If the former Team Member has never worked under Game Design:

  • They must apply and are treated like any other player.
  • Feedback will be taken from any of their previous departments.

If the former Team Member left any Game Design Position:

You can be reinstated to your former positions (excluding any Lead+ positions).

If you left on negative terms your application will be reviewed and evaluated by your Sub-Departments Leadership Team and the Game Design Head, if they agree you may be given a second chance, as long as the hiring does not cause any conflict with any Team Members. You must also show that you have made amends before rejoining the team, this includes current and ex-Team Members.
If you have been gone so long that our tech for making GD quests and such has changed you must reapply from the beginning as a normal player.

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Media & Public Relations Department

Arithmancer Team

  • You can apply even when applications are closed as long as there are spots for you on the team. If not, you must wait until applications open.
  • All those interested must fill out the Arithmancer application as if they were a normal applicant.
    • If it has been less than a year since last an Arithmancer, you are not required to include new test materials but MUST include an updated portfolio/example work.
    • If it has been longer than a year since last an Arithmancer, you MUST include new test materials and updated portfolio/example work.
  • Those who were previously a Master Arithmancer may potentially be fast-tracked, but this is not guaranteed.


Daily Diviner Team

  • You can apply even when applications are closed as long as there are spots for you on the team. If not, you must wait until applications open.
  • For Writer & Editor, all those interested must fill out the proper application as if they were a normal applicant.
    • If it has been less than a year since last on DD, you are not required to include new test materials.
    • If it has been longer than a year since last on DD, you MUST include new test materials.
  • For Producer, please reach out to Media Leadership to get a link to the application.
  • Those who were previously a Producer may potentially be reinstated directly into the position OR they will have to first be a Writer or Editor and potentially be fast-tracked (not guaranteed).

WizNetworker Team

  • You can apply even when applications are closed as long as there are spots for you on the team. If not, you must wait until applications open.
  • All those interested must fill out the WizNetworker application as if they were a normal applicant.
    • If it has been less than a year since last on the WizNetworker Team, you MAY not be required to include new test materials.
    • If it has been longer than a year since last on the WizNetworker Team, you MUST include new test material.
  • Those who were previously an Expert WizNetworker may potentially be reinstated directly into the position OR they will have to first be a WizNetworker and potentially be fast-tracked (not guaranteed).

    ** NOTE: If you were ever a Potterwatch Director, you may be able to reinstate as a Video WizNetworker.

Artworker Team

  • You can apply even when applications are closed as long as there are spots for you on the team. If not, you must wait until applications open.
  • All those interested must fill out the Artworker application as if they were a normal applicant.
    • If it has been less than a year since last an Artworker, you MAY not be required to include new test materials.
    • If it has been longer than a year since last an Artworker, you MUST include new test material.
  • Please reach out to Media Leadership to get a link to the application.

Store Team

  • We do not currently offer any form of reinstatement for this rank. You may only reapply once you are on the Staff Team, not Team Member, as this position is staff-only.

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Technology & Development Department

If the former Team Member was a Developer:

  • If you left on good terms:
    • You would need to apply for the rank using the reinstatement application to help us understand what you hope to achieve, how much time you're willing to spend, what you're hoping to create etc.
    • You are likely to be accepted and would be reinstated as a Dev Trainee for a probationary period.
    • This probationary period would last at most two months.
      • It would contain the same permissions as Junior Developer.
      • Any and all work will be evaluated bi-weekly/fortnightly.
      • You will not have access to sensitive information that developers have access to until you have successfully completed the probationary period.
  • If you left on bad terms:
    • You can still apply using the reinstatement application.
    • There is a lower acceptance chance, and if you are accepted your probationary period would be longer.
      • You could be completing smaller tasks that do not require permissions.
  • If your application is not accepted, you will receive appropriate feedback so you know what to improve on.

If the former Team Member was a Grounds Keeper:

  • If you left on good terms:
    • You would need to apply for the rank using the reinstatement application to help us understand what you hope to achieve, how much time you're willing to spend, what you're hoping to create etc.
    • You are likely to be accepted and would be reinstated as a Grounds Keeper Trainee for a probationary period.
    • This probationary period would last at most two months.
      • It would contain the same permissions as Grounds Keeper.
      • Any and all work will be evaluated bi-weekly/fortnightly.
  • If you left on bad terms:
    • You can still apply using the reinstatement application.
    • There is a lower acceptance chance, and if you are accepted your probationary period would be longer.
      • You could be completing smaller tasks that do not require permissions.
  • If your application is not accepted, you will receive appropriate feedback so you know what to improve on.

If the former Team Member left the Poltergeist position:

You must reapply for Poltergeist as any other non-Team Member would. If you left the team on good terms, you will undergo special consideration where the Poltergeist Leadership Team and Technology & Development Heads will review your behaviour and whilst you were on the team and after leaving the team amongst other things. Most of the time you will be re-accepted into the team.

If the former Team Member left the Senior Poltergeist position:

You must reapply for Poltergeist as any other non-Team Member would. If you left the team on good terms, you will undergo special consideration where the Poltergeist Leadership Team and Technology & Development Heads will review your behaviour and whilst you were on the team and after leaving the team amongst other things. Most of the time you will be re-accepted into the team.
Fast-tracking may also be offered if you left the Senior Poltergeist position less than 9 months ago, however, this will only allow you to be fast-tracked to the Senior position and not Lead.

Lead+ ranks cannot be reinstated. If a former Lead+ reinstates, they would be reinstated to the rank under Lead.
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